Trash letters abcdef

letters abcdef

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The secret to being successful at this game:

Realizing that most players are stupid and have no strategy beyond slugging it out. Even when outnumbered. Some may even think they’re not “playing the game right”, if they aren’t constantly pushing. Your goal should be staying with whatever team of morons you happen to be stuck with, and getting REALLY Good at backing them up. That’s how i win most matches.

If ever i have to leave my guys to hearth back or grab a camp? I know i’m taking a HUGE risk. Because the gaggle of morons on my team are going to be diving in non-stop without me. The longer i’m gone, the worse things will be for them.


Play another game…

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Premade or lose. Randoms are worthless in this game.


Ignore team, split push to victory. :joy: