Alright that's IT. Imperius is OUT of control

Just becouse he could pass through terrain? He has really poor mobility, he’s just a bit above Artanis, and just like him, you need to play more randomly, don’t move predictably becouse obviously you don’t want to be swapped/impalled.

He needs some changes in numbers for sure, but it’s always been like this.

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Nope. 100% intended

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Alright, so some arcane video only superfans have ever watched says it’s intended. That does mean you’re right, no question about it, but they need to put that into the tooltip.

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It’s uncommon, but if there’s vision, Diablo can pass through terrain with Q, when it’s not mentioned anywhere, and it’s supossed to be used to stun enemies in a WALL. And even though Imperius is more ‘‘on demand’’ it’s like a joke that his Q passing through terrain is a bad and unnintended, obviously if he gets caught by the enemy team he will die anyway, the case of Lyra is a super rare one.

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Not all game mechanics are made to be in the tooltip. Also, you’re terribly wrong about bugs benefiting Imperius.

In fact Imperius’s bugs are so problematic that the fixes are harmful. (Ex. Imperius has a bug on his Q where he randomly selects a nearby target. The “fix” stunned Imperius for the duration, so any missed Q’s would stun Imperius for 1 second without connecting.)

People are terribly dissonant about the long road from a 39% winrate hero on release that Imperius has had to even get this far.

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I posted this suggestion in a thread addressing the disparity between FoA and Holy Fervor:

I think it’s actually designed to take as long as it does because it’s intended to allow you to make sure you get your E mark on your target (sometimes your E will hit other targets and take a while to come around to the hero you impaled if you’re standing near minions).

I think it would need CDR and some new talents for his W ability. As it is, Blaze of Glory at level 7 and Consuming Flame at level 1 are the only talents that modify Solarion’s Fire, meaning they don’t actually fit into any build or synergize with any other talents very well. Hell, they hardly even synergize with each other.
This talent would either need big buffs or Imperius would need another rework to fix this.

The problem with Holy Fervor is fairly simple.

HF has nothing to do with Imperius’s design strengths.

If you pick Imperius, you aren’t picking him for his wavclear. You’re picking him for his ability to duel enemy heroes. In fact the only time HF is a superior pick is when it helps Imperius fight enemy heroes.

That’s the problem people don’t get about Imperius … people want Imperius to be like Leoric, but he’s nothing like Leoric and I wouldn’t want him to be.

The idea with Holy Fervor is that it allows you to consume marks from multiple heroes with a single AA. That definitely would synergize with his trait and play into his design strenghts… if it were actually all that impactful.

Problem is, it just isn’t very strong. It deals less single-target damage to most enemies (even when paired with BtI), its AoE damage is one-and-done (unlike FoA, which you can proc extra times if you switch targets after landing Q on multiple heroes), and it provides no extra sustain like FoA does (which is huge, that shield is easily half of FoA’s strength).

I like Holy Fervor as a concept. It’s execution, however, leaves a good bit to be desired.

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Funny how back then I thought this self-stun was intended. And guess what? he was actually more balanced then. maybe Blizzard will see the light and add the self-stun back. Q is so damn powerful, you SHOULD have a penalty for missing.

All valid claims, however I’m merely pointing out that unless HF assists Imperius with fighting heroes, the talent simply isn’t going to be of much use to him. Even when Imperius was 1st making leeway into the pro scene over a year ago (before his last major talent rework) HF was the talent to pick because it allowed him to multi-proc “Valorous Brand”.

Imperius is a well-designed hero. He excels at one thing, but his design allows him approach it in multiple ways thus creating versatility and nuance in his gameplay. In addition Imperius has a very real “risk” element to his gameplay, but not the “all-or-nothing” kind of Kerrigan and Diablo.


This is unlikely; Artanis is considered tier 3 (or mid-tier depending on what website you are on), where as Imperius is generally tier 1.

Idk if “combo” is the right word there… When I think of a combo, I think of someone like Chromie catching an enemy in her E, hitting them with Q and W, and then R (Loop), and then hitting them with her Q and W again.

To call Imperius’ 2-button faceroll a combo, is to make it sound much more impressive than it really is. Which, I think, is really why people consider him OP.

Because fixing his ability to spam his shield ult like a gatling gun is REALLLLLY harmful. lol :stuck_out_tongue:

Ohh please Cho-Gall on 16 in tight places have infinite stun that can be casted even when he is stunned (dread orb build) and no one calls him OP.

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they want him buffed actually… Cho’gall is a hero that has everything he needs while played by 2 players he has his own iceblock / stuns / dash + movement speed / tanky / can solo bosses at certain level / self healing / waveclear what more am i missing? ah right. he can kill squishy heroes so fast and he can melt tanks!

Well Cho Gal is 2 heroes so technically you get 2 for 1 if players behind him are poor players or nothing if they are high skilled.

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for sure. it’s 2 in 1 which requires coordination which you can’t find lately specially if you’re not playing him with someone you know that isn’t a potato. which could be said about any hero in the game if you’re bad at that then you’ll just fail simply so in cho’gall is the same thing let’s say cho since he’s the “tank” is bad he punish the “mage” with him which is gall for being a bad tank.

any hero you’re bad at will result in you failing hard and you can’t play cho’gall so well with randoms either unless you get a lucky shot where you find someone that actually plays the hero and knows what to do

So you ignore the example? By the way, that bug only lasted about a month and the only reason it got popular use was because someone decided to popularize it.

Imperius’s Q bug still exists, and has existed for, as far as we know, about a year.

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Yes they are blessed with the best skin and the best character specific mount ever.


:neutral_face: and what is this what’s wrong with the forums is this a bug? i’ve been seeing those only today

No, I am mocking your use of said example as a broad sweeping generalization. Imperius’ ult being spammable is why he should have been looked at closer from the start.

So now you are open for mockery, because you failed to recognize I was responding to an over-generalization by flipping it on its head.

Because, guess what, you are mocking a specific example then crying “GENERALIZATION! THIS MAN IS GENERALIZING!”