Allow us to choose a better QM game

I’ve made this point before.

Allow players to CHOOSE to join a QM match where there is a tank, a healer, and at least one ranged assassin. Make it something that is toggled on and off so if people WANT a slightly longer queue in exchange for a more balanced game, they can have it.

Blizz almost got it right, but right now, the QM engine only waits 30 seconds before giving up the formula. So it still feels like you randomly win or get screwed over because one side doesn’t have the tools to win.

I want to be able to press a button and no matter what, my next game wont be an assassin-fest where kerrigan and butcher kill all the squishies.


How long would you be willing to wait, realistically? 5 minutes? 10? Half an hour?

People said they would wait for a reasonable matchup, and when Blizzard implemented that, people complained too much about the wait times. And here we are now.


QM will always have a rough time trying to match up fair comps. I’d just play with how it is, it’s either bad comps or long que times. Pick your poison

Exactly why it should be optional. Of course nobody should be forced to wait extra time. I personally would wait as long as it took but I don’t see it taking that much longer unless it is at a late hour and few people are playing.


QM queues were often 15 minutes or more at reasonable hours, even when I was queuing in a desired role, as I typically play tanks. How long is “as long as it took”? That really isn’t an answer to my question, and would be a key piece of information Blizzard would need in order to implement such a change. If very few people are willing to wait more than 10 minutes, why bother including it?

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Not quite. They reverted it because a minority of people received huge queue time increases.

getting a lot of use from that march 6th Q&A thread, thank you Darak :sob:


Well it’s called quick match. For better comps there are other modes


They tried improving QM comps a couple months ago. There isn’t enough players. This game is long, long past it’s prime. Anything like this will never happen.


I agree with the OP. I will add that the long wait times of the previously enforced tank and healer comps may not repeat. Allowing the surplus of assassins in QM to match quickly together without tank or heals should hopefully result in the “optional” queue approaching correct proportions (i.e. 40% damage, 20% bruiser/solo laner, 20% tank, 20% healer). This would hopefully lead to shorter wait times. IMO, the surplus of assassins in QM was partly to blame for the long waits previously experienced.

Also, was there an XP bonus for certain roles when they previously tried forcing healer and tank in QM? I don’t think there was…


It was. [20 characters]

Personally I don’t mind the way qm makes comps atm. But for ppl like you may I suggest then that we increase the time that must pass before the search is expanded? Atm it seems like its 20 seconds before the parameters are opened up which seems too short. Maybe increase it to like a minute or two before it starts producing more random match ups.


Agreed with you on this.

Dunno why other posters would object on something called “OPTIONAL” to begin with.

Also, I think that Call of Nexus should give extra golds too instead of just exp bonus.

There’s already an option to increase queue time for quality, it’s called draft mode =.=

Qm needs to be as bad as possible so more people play draft (so draft queues go down and everyone gets fast and quality games)

if you want fast games maybe you should be playing quick match :thinking::thinking:

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Actually I think quickmatch should be removed so everyone plays draft and have better quality games with good queue (since everyone will queue it).

But I understand removing quickmatch will cause lots of players to leave and all that so yea… don’t think the game can afford it at this point

You can thx the complaners for getting the forced tank/healer comp removed casue people would rather have clown fiesta teams


… I’m sorry, did they remove the group function from the game and I didn’t notice?

I mean, you could practically draft a composition without bans or anything in QM and everyone gets to play what they want… seems like a goldmine to me.

Except if someone in your group wants to play the same hero or role as you

invalid argument. You know getting 5 people to play at the same time is next to impossible and if you just invite randoms, you might as well just play solo-Q QM

Seems like an overreaction, if you have a lot of friends to play with especially from a discord group getting a 5 man party is not even close to impossible.