All game modes disabled

All game modes are unavailable, i have tried all the troubleshooting provided here and still not working.

Hey there! Thanks for reaching out. If the game modes are showing as unavailable, this could indicate corruption within your local game files or a network-related issue. Try running a Scan & Repair of your installation to ensure none of your game files are corrupt and to allow the installer to resolve any issues.

If that doesn’t do the trick, some files may be broken or not fully downloaded. Try deleting the cache and tools folders with the instructions here and here.

Let us know how it goes!

Hi. Ummm I installed HoTS and I was going to play but then the game mode are grayed out it always says “waiting game mode download to complete” i have waited for such a long time and the problems persist. the only thing that’s playable is the trying heroes and the challenges and tutorials. By the time I exit the game. There is this unexpected fatal error occurred. I don’t know what to do.

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