Adding Ana's healing darts (Piercing) into her baseline

I love playing Ana (Level 100+ with her so hear me out :-] ) she’s so much fun but she is also very difficult to play, as I feel you need to play her top notch in order to be on par with other healers who require less focus (i.e point-and-click healing).

That being said, isn’t about time we allow Ana to have piercing healing darts all the time, regardless of her stance?

She can keep everything the same, just make that small quality in life change and I think she would an absolute blast to play and not feel so bogged down.

Leave any feedback about this, thanks

You can already toggle stance at will. This seems like a nerf to stance by removing its functionality without adding additional functionality.

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True, but toggling her stance has a 4 sec cooldown, and until that CD is up, it’ll be very awkward to heal multiple teammates who are trying retreating while you’re switch from Crouch to Normal Stance.

Plus you don’t want to enter your Crouch Stance while retreating due to the movement speed penalty.

Crouch Stance still has some pretty good utility, the range boost helps significantly for healing divers, sleeping targets from far away, and distancing yourself from potential threats. So I feel Crouch Stance will still be viable even after this change.

If you want to compensate for this, an additional functionality would be giving back her basic attack range boost for entering Crouch Stance