Add solo league again please

I’ve been playing this game for years now and this and i can easily agree upon the fact the new ranked revamp (storm league) is so disappointing and not fun. I usually play ranked solo and most of the time I get paired against people that go play rank with their group of friends consisting of 3-4 people. I feel it is so unfair to me (the solo player) cuz I get to play with people I’ve never played before against people that know how to work and play together.

Hope my point is clear and understandable.

What are your thoughts/experiences?


Do dou’s get matched in games with solo players?

When I queue as 2 the game wait time gets significantly longer. I assumed it was because it was looking for an equal team with a dou queueu.

This has been the worst season so far for me in ranked. I have faced 2 promotion matches, but always get grouped with crazy people, or against a 4 stack. I don’t want to do ranked anymore. I am so much better then the rank I got set with. Storm league has ruined this game for me.

I wish I did not even do my placements now. It is better to be unranked in a quick match with high player level and 60% win rate then, ranked with gold when someone gets toxic.

Forcing people to queue with teams is terrible for this game. The ranked rewards for this preseason better be a free mount for bronze because I hope no one takes ranked seriously.

Now that I think about it I don’t think I can take any part of this game seriously now. Quick match mach making is so broken. It does not matter what you and your friends queue as, blizzard give up queuing into balanced groups with in the first 10 seconds. The bruiser and tank roll make no sense. Artanis and Imperius are both bruisers, but Tyreal, Blaze, and Arthas count as main tanks

Zarya make vary little sense in support, when she still better fits the bruiser rolls.

Rexar is out of control right now. Getting matched with a main tank he is not a problem, but matched only against another bruiser he gets to run wild, and can’t no be stopped.

Quick match match making is off the rails right now. 100% joke fest. Rank 100% crap for solo queuers. I don’t think I will find this game much fun for the rest on the season.

From someone who used to be MASTERS in Solo que and TEAM(solo) que… After getting my last placement match to Diamond 1 (which i usually never got) Always got placed to masters cause I was masters in all my previous seasons… There was a harsh grind from Diamond 5-1 and then to Masters, but that grind is impossible on your own at this point… I can sit here and complain about many reasons why that is but saying that 5 people can que against 2+1+1+1 or 3+1+1 is sorda none productive we know this happens and I’ve won some of the games where I qued against 5 man premade (My team was good tho including myself) so the premade lost.

MY issue with queing up now is the meta and I guess the fact that there are constantly when you que up the same people u either play with or against, basically shuffling the good and bad players around, which to me becomes a huge problem when 0 people gets shuffled when a premade ques up. Premade knows what they get and what they play against, it’s not about the matches being unfair it’s about the matches being consistently fair. For me it might end up being FAIR about 1/3 times… which is very very poor… I’ve had about 60-66% winrate in rated matches both solo and groupped(solo quing in the group) reasons being I could play EVERYTHING I could master any role and would play that role the best way I could which would lead to a STRUGGLE win or a way to easy win or a literal unplayable game cause my team was constantly dying and it said 0-15 on the scoreboard while I had died 0 times… That kinda feeding from start of the game jsut doesn’t happen in premade…

TL;DR: Solo quers are at a HUGE disadvantage… (Gone from masters to Diamond 4 -> With the record of having 10 game losses in a row, playing against some of the same premades sometimes. And yea I do get slightly tilted but, I know it’s the que system and not my gameplay, so I sorda pat myself on the back, knowing it’s not entirely my fault)