Account reset - MM woes

Hello Heroes team,

please reset my Heroes account to absolute zero. See my match history and my recent posts for the motives.

I don’t currently understand but it feels like the game expects me to be Fan squared and obviously I’m not, creating grief both for me and, I assume, people playing with me.

If, after 8 losses in a row, at 49% seasonal winrate over 1000+ matches, I cannot win with one of my lifetime best heroes, while performing adequately, means that I’m overadjusted, hardstuck. And everyone else, side effects of the long seasons. I should be matched as bronze, not gold-plat-dia, whatever it is, at this point. The only ways out of this are smurfing, or going on a massive trolling spree, forcing my rank below wood.

Simplify matchmaking, remove all adjustments! I’m not a god. Cheers.
Or just restart seasons every 2-3 months as you should have, if that’s the root cause.

ps.: I kinda remember you can’t. Hoping you can. But knowing you see this is already helpful. You need this information. You need to forward this. This is what loses you MAUs.

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I don’t understand what’s the problem. Every loss you have is adjusting you. If you just want to have a high win rate against worse players, you can do that through smurfing, but that’s not exactly something that should be commended or sponsored by the matchmaker.

An 8 loss streak, isn’t even really that abnormal on occasion.

You also have to realize that playing with a lower MMR, also means you get worse teammates which isn’t exactly that fun either. If you’ve been playing awhile and are stuck, that’s not necessarily bad or weird. At some point you just have to be comfortable with where you are while striving to improve where you can, if you want to.


(thread got moved)

What you describe should happen.
It appears that I’m stuck having high MMR after adjustments. The season is too long, my account, heroes and match counts are too high. Long version in the Salt Mines. Visual version:

So basically, I just want to delete my adjustments and have raw matchmaking.
Guess I must smurf if I want to enjoy the game.

The only alternative is that I’m mid-stage MS and I just didn’t realise yet. You don’t deskill from gold-plat to not-even-bronze in 4 months unless it’s critical brain decomposition.

How does the matchmaker work exactly? I understand it tries to get as close to an mmr average for both teams as possible.

I’m riding a 5 loss streak atm 1 of them could have gone either way and the other 4 felt unwinnable due to the difference in teams skill. With how coordinated the other teans were it felt they were at least a 3 or 4 stack.

Is there some nefarious schenanigans at work? Or is it a mix of smurfs, people grouping up, new accounts from banned players who should be higher (all of this also making it harder for solo players to climb so ending up with higher skilled people in a lower bracket).

Honestly I don’t know but sometimes you get big winstreaks with games seeming in your favour, other times 50/50 competitive game (which I prefer) or other times getting stomped by an ultra coordinated death ball with players on your team that play worse than bots.

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I’ve just checked my mmr for both my accounts, on my oldest account i’m ranked silver 3 but my mmr is gold 5. So does that generally mean i will get weaker allies because it will be matching me up in silver as a gold 5?

Also my newer account im currently gold 3 but my mmr is silver 3 so i’m guessing that is the opposite? I’ll generally get stronger allies because i’m overanked compared to my mmr?

It could also mean that the way you’re playing your “best heroes” just doesn’t kicks in anymore. And the answer to your problems may have different reasons.

Edit: And while I agree with you that there must be some other factors (like considering previous seasonal rank) why matches seems harder for some accounts than others I doubt that it’s the only reason why you struggle to climb. Have you tried to completely ignore to depend on your teammates, but pick heroes you’re rocking this season? For example, if you team lack a tank, but none is picking one and force you to fill. Would you fill for tank or have you tried to just stick to your assassine or bruiser you’re good with? I do that, because I experienced that draft/comps are meaningless and the only thing that matters that you can pilot your hero and also do the tasks your team don’t do. It didn’t work always (when team feeds too hard), but it works, at least for me. I usually just look on enemy comps and maps. Hanzo for BoE for example is my secret tech, because he is so incredible on this map.

I mean, it kind of sounds like it’s working. You’re holding a 50% winrate and you’ve hit your skill peak. It means that you, as a player, must improve at this point.

You’re supposed to win 50% of your matches, and lose 50% of your matches. Any other ratio and matchmaking isn’t working for you.

11th loss, last win 13 days ago. There is a curious satisfaction about it.
Sonya = 35.5% winrate over 31 matches.
Enemies = G4, G2, G3, B3, B1, 5 stack
Ourselves = S4 + S3 + unknown, 2 stack + 3 solo

Hi Aphandra, I’m late to the discussion but it sounds like perhaps maybe you might benefit from taking a small break from Hots?

I can’t be sure from your posts if your troubles are related to QM or Ranked, but either way it sounds like you’ve been playing a high volume of games. I also agree with you that the seasons are just took long now, it’s just another reason why I stopped playing ranked.

As for your winrate, as Drothvader noted, 49% isn’t bad at all. Perhaps some of the heroes that you play best have fallen out of the meta a bit? Another idea might be to try a hero you haven’t played before. If you’ve played them all, maybe play some of your least played? Playing a hero that I have tried in the past but didn’t like or couldn’t master, has sometimes pulled me out of a slump as there is a new challenge there. I know on occasions I have performed poorly on my mains as without really being aware of it, I was bored playing them and had become complacent, so lost more than I should have.

I wish you the best whatever you decide to do, but if Hots (or any leisure activity) is making you miserable, a holiday is usually good medicine. Hots should still be here when you return.

PS I miss your Li Li avatar Aphandra!


it’s good to have a break :slight_smile:


Two days counts? :laughing:

I really just wish to understand. I started rock bottom (silver-bronze borderlands), so 49% should mean that I’m below rock bottom. It should feel as easy as it did.

Just a quote to break it, I got to 12, had a good day since with Morales and Murky (3:1 each). :slight_smile: In the span of those 3 matches match rating got from Bronze 4 to Platinum 1.

Innocent tea time is over :frowning:

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It pairs low and high ranked players together to make a fair match but most of the time the buddy system fails.

And againts high ranked premade the system will 100% fail casue it wont be able to find a high ranked premade so it just gives them whatever team is ready to get stomped by them. You will see thier mmr will be around 6-700 higher then yours on HP in most cases.

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