A Weird Comp in Ranked

I’m only in gold, but our matches sometimes put my team against platinum and diamond players because of my team mates. I’m no big brain ranked player, so don’t expect me to know many things lol, I just found this interesting. (Hanzo’s underrated ult appreciation half paragraph ahead, beware)

Basically, my friends and I have found a pretty solid group to climb with after our beginning ranked games of generally being 50-50. Solid as in out of my 48 ranked games played this season, I’ve gotten to a fraction of a percent over a 70% win rate. We have probably only lost once with this comp, if I’m being honest. And it’s a super weird comp.

So basically, we have a really good Aba who goes mine build and literally mine fields objectives to seriously mess people up. He only hats to heal people occasionally, but otherwise is at work doing what he does best.

We have a main tank (usually Stitches) that either one of two of my friends will play (one can’t really land hooks all that well and the other can). The one that isn’t tanking will go Azmo (which is just big damage and soaking all around most of the games we’ve played). We have a really good Sylvanas played by someone who really knows how to murder people as her (though to be fair, sometimes can’t escape in time to not get murdered back).

Lastly, I play the finisher, either being Tracer or Hanzo. Although, I’m not quite digging Tracer because of the few Aba hats and frequent Tracer counters. Also, you’re all gonna hate this but, I go the Dragonstrike ult. Don’t hate me, I’m sorry. There have been many an opportunity in the game for me to pull of this ult on the clumped enemy team and it melts them. Most of the time, they never see it coming. It’s gotten kills on panicking retreating people and has turned enemies chasing us through a choke point into us slaughtering them. It has turned everything around for us in games where we were losing to most team fights. Then, all that needs be done is a few well-aimed Qs mixed with AAs to finish them off.

With the crazy damage we’re able to pull off, the enemy healer can’t keep up. By playing conservatively, we tend to not be bothered by a no healer comp.

There have been several instances in which Abathur has been banned and we had to change our comp to something resembling the old one but with a healer (and sometimes D.Va). However, I just thought that when we could go the comp, that it was strange how often it would be successful, regardless of the heroes on the other team.

This is what I’ve found to be true in my experience, not taken from any other source but situations I’ve been in.

That being said, what do you guys think?

Weird? Cool? Disgraceful? A menace to society that this even exists? Opine

Can for sure work in lower leagues since most people don’t know what reseting a fight means. Seriously guys, this post is the perfect example why you should learn how to reset a fight!

for those of me who don’t know what this means please explain (I’m dumb, I know) Dx

For example: when you fight over an objective and it looks like you gonna lose, just disengage, wait until healer has healed all of you back(or take fountain) + your cooldowns are back, than go in again. A healer can heal his team back quicker than abathur, that’s why a comp with abathur as solo healer would be with the second engage in a disadvantage .

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Ah, yeah okay I see what you mean, just the name I’ve never heard before.

Usually both teams end up having to do this at least once before returning to the fight, though our team has usually killed one of the enemy team, so I’ve never found this lack of healing to be a major disadvantage. Also, Aba puts down so many mines all the time that when they do try to disengage, if they aren’t body blocked by us, they step in a cluster or a line mines leading out of the objective area and die (very entertaining I must say). Although, it can put us at a disadvantage where we have to hearth instead of fountain, especially in maps like Cursed Hollow where you have to be there or you lose the objective, whereas it isn’t so bad with Infernal Shrines because we are more easily able to kill the tiny guys. All the games where the lack of healing was becoming a problem was made up for by the abundance of damage and good hooks/ults which turned the game around in a mostly irreversible way, what with all the wave clear we have in the comp to take advantage of the map while the enemy team is down.

Thanks for the input. I was pretty wary about not being able to stay in fights as long without a healer. I imagine it’ll only get harder, but as for the road to a higher rank, it isn’t too bad.

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I think it’s interesting if you can make this combo work. Just recently( maybe a month or two ago if my mind doesn’t trick me) there was a video on khaldors channel where pros from division s picked a no healer comp with abathur ( if I remember correct). They played butcher, taunt varian + precision strike nova. Cant remember the rest. But as you imagine it is a nasty combo too. If you interested you can check this out, it’s worth a watch :slight_smile:

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I think i should also mention here the morales dropship combo, so this forgoten art of maximal annoyance won’t die out. For everyone who never heard of it: you pick morales and go for the dropship ult + tyrael with sanctification + Sylvanas + ( this part is variable) nazeebo + azmodan. The goal is to push a single lane until you win the game. Once you get killed, just respawn, get into the ship and fly again to where you died until all structures on the lane are down and you can do core. Tyraels ult and Sylvanas trait will give you usually enough time to destroy a keep/ fort before duying. Its a ton of fun and I guarantee you, the enemies gonna hate you !