A solo focused rank system instead a teamplayer one

I was wondering… do you ever feel like this system is totally wrong?
Do you ever feel frustration when you read “MVP” under your name after a Lost Ranked Match with -200 ranked points?
Because this is my case.
So I was wondering… why don’t focus the point system in a solo point of view ?

This is a Team Game so… it’s only natural: you win (as a team) so your points go up, you lose (as a team) and your points go down… But what about you and your game? Did you really lost because you played like a newcomer? Everytime when you win is it because you play well… or sometimes you have been carry? And do you really feel ok when you did all you could, get even MVP but the game was lost before it started because your teammates pick 2 Mages and no tank or healer? Is it really a “team loss” ?

I was thinking… this game is extremely fun and good. Heroes are (most) balanced… all (quite) is good when you are in Quick Match… but when you are in Ranked it’s all so wrong.
So this idea hit me : “Why not give or take off ranked points based on your performance?”, not just plus or minus few points but the real thing!

Let’s reverse the things like are now!

Win or lose could be just a bonus . Positive points for every good thing you do, negative when you die. (if this A.I. can make you clutch healer, escapist etc etc, can do maths for this kind of things right?)
For example : MVP awards you 100 points, every kill gives you 5 points, every death gives you -10 points and any other title you achieve at the score screen gives you 50 points (cluch healer, escapist etc), and in the end a won game gives you 20 points while a loss gives you -20 points.

These numbers are just an example. I think Blizzard can decide better ones… but this is for you to undestand my idea. The idea of not being demoted if there are trolls in your team or a newbie who makes big mistakes… it is both a reason to not be enraged or start to flame, nor to be obsessed with a win and enjoy the game for pure fun.

So if you will be demoted or promoted, it will be all on your shoulders and you won’t have to be stressed about “how good your teammates are”.

I think this is the only way to get your “real” rank position.


Performance matchmaking was discussed and was supposed to be implemented a long time ago, but for what ever reason they scrapped it. Maybe they feared the game would get worse?

I for one support ideas like this 100%. They basically force us to make friends and do a steady team, which nobody likes being force fed anything. The little time performance match making was a thing, I won my games with ease.

It is actually quite confusing what their focus is now. They took out team league so it seems like they want us to perform better solo, but with the way the match making is its still get a good duo partner or good luck with RNG.

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No A.I. can truly decide which player is better or not. I play with the best players in hots and if you would just calculate their performance by raw numbers this would not add up to anything. How can you calculate a right camp call? How can you calculate a boss steal from Falstad ? How can you calculate soaking one more wave so your team can fight on same talent tier? You cant. You don’t become one of the best players by raw numbers or any MVP screen stats, you become good by mastering your macro play. On the other hand you can’t also decide if the amzmodan who was pushing afk all game a single lane is more skilled or if he was the reason why his team lost. I think making a system that is so exploitable is not good for the game. As a tank for example I’m willing to die for my team if they can get value out of this. Why would I want to do it if I get a penalty for it?
Also I would argue that the current system is the best way to determine your “real” rank. Trolls or throwers have no impact on your " real" rank in the long run at all. The more you lose because of this people the easier it becomes for you to win the next game. Also there is an equal chance that enemies have these types of players on their team too.

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No i’m sorry, i can’t agreed. Trolls impact my real rank, they really do. 1 Troll means auto loss… loss means negative score on your rank and MMR. MMR means being matched with low MMR … its a circle without end. Plus, if an AI can achieve you MVP and so on, it can simply do maths for “± points for deaths and kills” . You sounds like you have never been stack at bronze or silver … it feels like you just don’t know how game is in real and you actually only played “in the rich garden” and never saw how commons are. Just today, i did 20 games and i won only… 3-4 of them. I was gold, now i am bronze from nothing. I reach every time gold, than i simply stop to win, being matched with players with no doubs far different skills from mine and i start losing every time. Matchmakin its suppose adjust to have 50/50 win/loss , but reach gold and bronze in a blink of an eye doesn’t fit at all with this policy. The matchmaking is simply a total failure and no one can say different. If they say it, it is because they always have got high MMR . I also played with people with platinum, diamond and master rank. And guess what? i deleted many of them because their skills were lower than many silver or bronze i played with. I was so frustrated to try on my skin how much unfair this system is to do it. This is because this system is only marks win and loss, instead do maths about a player stats. We need a system solo focused player and not a “global” one. Or it won’t never be right.
To KingAthens
Yes, that’s true. And this is disappointing… confusing… and frustrating. HOTS is a beatifull game, but competitive are simply a failure. Often i simply “quit” for weeks, and i wait everytime for a real change of the matchmaking system, but it is always a disappointment. I think this solution could help a lot…


Spawns response is basically, I prefer RNG because I enjoy getting carried by my friends. If you are a good player why would you be against some sort of performance match making? oh yeah? cause they are never MVP, never roll call; just sit in the back and let some good players run the game while he tags along. Then he makes a bunch of sad excuses as to why its a bad idea. Like the games matchmaking is in a good state.

Players like this abuse the crappy match making and don’t want to see change because they’ll de rank so fast.


You missed my point. Games are not won by simple numbers it’s much much more. if you watch a replay of a game and you would need to rate players than it will get very hard even for you as a human being. A.I. would not be able to recognize a game winning move or call. A.I. won’t be able to tell which players strategic play was the best. MVP is a simple calculation and doesn’t say much. I would happy too to see some personal ranking but I think it’s just impossible especially in a team game. For example how would you decide in a situation when the healers has to soak a lane and gets ganked out of nowhere and dies? There are several things wrong with this. The tank gave no vision on enemy team, solo laner failed to soak , assassins missed the rotation. With simple calculation like you suggest only the healer would loose points but not the rest of the team who’s fault it was as well. Why I like the current system is that you have to think of it like a rubber band and your “true rank” is the beginning of it. The further you stretch the rubber band in no matter in witch direction the harder it gets. For example if a “true” gold players gets trolls and feeders one game after another and drops to silver. His chances of winning games down there will be much higher. If he drops further to bronze his chances would be even higher than in silver. So even if you are currently losing the rubber band effect would still pull you in the direction of your true rank, where you would statistically end at some point in time

Spawn also lies about his rank and trolls players cause he honestly believes there is not a single thing wrong with this game and that trolls do not exist.


You forgot that I also eat small children in my free time