A game didn`t start rightly

  1. i just run QM
  2. one of the enemy user`s loading was too long
  3. it just started, but no one spawned, and there is no interface
  4. all of our team got out of the game by AFK
  5. i came back to the game but it was still
  6. after it, no one got out of the game by AFK

so, i exited the game

there was no minion, no announcement for object and equiped one

i want to upload screenshot by link, but it says “Sorry, you can’t include links in your posts.” if you want to see screenshots, u must search in reddit. i uploaded it at there, and the bot said like you would be better to post it to here for solving.

it was passed about 1 hour, and i enter in HotS, but it says the game is not ended, so rejoin the game. So, i think i cannot play HotS for few days.

I’m in the same situation and can’t start the next game.