A concept for Symmetra (Overwatch Hero)

Multiple sentrys would be fun if they were also easy to spot on the eye. I always love the ming vs KT or johanna vs varian talent mindgames

either you go defensive as ming build on ming or really aggressive but risk getting pyrod
Or you go aggressive but defensive later on
(Or full retard like the negative winrate ming mains who pick glass cannon vs pyro)

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I just wanted to say I love this hero concept, superficially it reminds me of support Tassadar. A high effort post, that many claim donā€™t happen on these forums.

At this point I just think the Devs should throw a bit of money Hellobgā€™s way and take this and Helloā€™s super ideas for a new balance patch and make life easier for themselves.


Lovee the concept, but just a minor feedback, maybe switch her Q and E? From the way you make her look, sheā€™s a support right? and I think that since her E is her shield/primary supporting ability, I think it would make more sense for it to be in Q and her damage to be at E.

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Theyā€™re not super tiny for sure, but Iā€™m changing the level 4 talents a bit.

Thank you Minky, this means a lot coming from you. I find joy in making these concepts and ideas, it sparks some little bit of life at least.

Her Photon Shield in Overwatch was in the E Key, so did her Photon Barrier, it only made sense for it to be on E, also her Q is meant to be well on Q, because it was an alternative fire.

Youā€™re too kind Hellobg, Iā€™m not in your orbit at all! The thing is I was just being honest. No disrespect to the Devs, I know they have limited resources to work with. Unlike the leaks and teases they have given, your ideas in your dream patch notes and this hero concept make me really enthusiastic for HOTS, the Dev ideas not so much.

I so wish they would allow community creation, your posts are a good example why it would be beneficial for HOTS.

Yes, but I guess Iā€™m just used to seeing the healer format of Q being their primary healing. But I guess she is a support and Abathur, Medivh, and Zarya all have their damage on Q.

Thatā€™s really cool. I was just about to post a Support Hero Concept, but Iā€™m feeling like I want to hold it a bit.

I subjectively feel good and bad vibes about shields. I find them to be an outdatedā€¦ funny enough I donā€™t feel that way about heals and I find that ironic about myself.

I will say in all seriousness and steeled heart that; thereā€™s a need for more shields in HotS. I think there is too much ā€œGiant Killerā€ abilities/talents out there that a large % of the roster has it: Shields are a good response to it.

On the other hand I think there will be a need for more shield counters such as Varianā€™s Shatter if that were to happen.

Iā€™m alright with the adds ā€œturretsā€. It can also be a good lane rotation disruption mechanic as well for when tanks arenā€™t present to do that job.

How do the turrets and towers/forts/keeps/core interact with each other with the current state of structures aiming system? Is there anything different with it than how it is with Probiusā€™ turret?

Anyway, Iā€™m in total ā€œsupportā€ for more supports in the game.

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Giant Killer is always a must, in terms of design, though not necessarily always, but itā€™s good for talent variety.

Itā€™s like as it is today, to Gazlowe and Probius Turrets.