7 wins 3 loss 5 mvp: Placement bronze

Here is the thing your ability to climb is 80% based on how your teammates pick and play. You can pick all meta heroes and do the correct things lane when you need to fight when you need to. But unless your teammates do the same you just need to hope the other team does worse. With the forced 50 being enforced you are pretty well screwed. Or… you can be delude yourself with other people saying you can climb because after all pro players have done it on youtube/twitch so that means you can to right?

Looking at streamers who are in silver, i can say that a platinum player could carry those games pretty much without too much of an effort and its funny to see their followers say things like “you shouldnt be in silver youre so mich better” while the streamer continues to make bad plays.

Its hard to see your own mistakes or mistakes of others who are on your own level because you dont even know they are mistakes.

Your dollars spent matter more than you wins or losses. They don’t want you having fun, they want you spending money. Done spending money? Then get out! – by their algorithms

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Lol it’s always fun to hear bronze 5s talk about how they don’t belong there. I bet if you uploaded a few games we could find out very quickly if you are telling the truth or not about your matches.


Much proof, such evidence, very convincing.

Dollars spent make no difference in matchmaking and wont get you higher in ranks, getting better at the game does.

New accounts like this one are placed low and blizz finally got it right. i went 9 and 1 and placed bronze 2. Im now silver 4 and im still getting negative PRA. Acc lv was 20 and i jumped into TL with it wince this was a 2.0 launch acc i have 20 heroes.

My winrate is 72%, and im still getting negative PRA. This is a problem. With my winrate i should have positive PRA by now and not 1 or 2, it should be +10 not -4.

I see exactly why people hate the climb. i win 2 games and maybe lose 1, i win 190 or less per win and on a loss 215-220.

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Well if a player of higher skill plays your account they’ll win and get out of bronze. You won’t. That is something to think about.

Smurf is the answer for all the problems

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Kind of similar

i went 8-2 in my promos, was gold 1 – 2 years ago-- haven’t played since. got placed in bronze 1. my friend does exact same thing. he finished gold 3-- 2 years ago. goes 6-4. gets plat 5. i need an answer lol

Seeding can still be different, amount of HL games played back then are different.

But if you think youre plat material, climbing out of bronze is a walk in the park.

Even a gold player can do it.

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LOL this occurred to me too. why bother trying? . Just do whatever.

I’m not sure why they aren’t able to fix this problem.

Im not sure McWade has over 100 games on both accounts with 50%+ wr.

Guys , say this after me: I will not play this game anymore


On ranked preseason, I somehow got carried into rank 11. Because i clearly sucked at mobas, i lost rank( mostly because i sucked at the time and some due to others who sucked) down to rank 38. Once i learned the game over 3 years, now im GOLD 4, i steam roll past bronze and silver into GOLD… I also had some odd placement matches which placed me into silver. I got my solo que team league into gold 4 at the moment, now im working on my Hl back into gold.

My placement matches were bad, yet i am still climbing, I also understand im probably a gold 2 player-skill wise. I understand taht.

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If you actually ARE Plat, or was thrown into another league, why are you in ANY OTHER RANK to begin with. It’s not a question of “he did it before so do it again” but why is this system punishing people for doing well? If Placements doesn’t mean anything why bother going though it at all? What’s the point of playing 10 games if it’ll throw you in whatever category it feels like?

Even more so why are there people defending this broken system to begin with?

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He said it himself, he hasnt played in ages.

8-2 vs Bronze players isnt that good.

To reset your rank to your hidden MMR.

Other than new players being placed weirdly because there is no data on their gameplay and some being misplaced because they play 10 games a season and never drop and smurfs, what is broken?

Wasn’t talking about him.

It should be good enough to place you out of bronze. That’s WAY over %50 win rate and even more so if its opponents were ranked Silver or higher.

Oh I dunno, people in Gold/Plat not knowing how to ban, draft, or even play their heroes. I expect that in Bronze or Silver but not high Gold players and up. This ONE person lost me 4 games because he can’t comprehend how to draft or play. Why this system thinks we’re both equally of the same skill level is beyond reason.

Why blizzard thinks people want to suffer through hours of playing with people who dont understand concepts about this game that you do is beyond me. Thats why this game is losing players and has never been taken seriously, despite being in a genre that has potential to be top 5 on the twich community easily having better graphics and backed by a larger company: the developers refuse to listen to their player base. This is sad because these ignored players only want blizzard to succeed.