50 wins for ranked reward

I have played since tech alpha. 9k+ games.
forcing you to play 50wins for the ranked mount is the dumbest thing you guys have ever done.
The game is so bad in ranked since Storm League combined. Basically you’re making people play 100+ games a season for a mount.
I have every rank mount and portrait and this will be the first season i dont play anymore ranked.
Such a shame blizzard. Companies think making grinds for rewards entices people to play more. It just makes them go play other things…


I’m dedicated, and you will get that many wins if you play enough ranked anyways. The problem for me is I’m getting all these players not playing smart, or trolls that decide to suicide. I had a game earlier today that had the tank run into the enemy turrets, die, spawn and do it over and over again, until they had 16 deaths. This is happening in ranked… I don’t know how to deal with this, I report, but I run into another one, and another one. Its so out of control.

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If you aren’t willing to invest the time, why would you be rewarded?

If you need an encouragement in form of a 28th reskinned mount to play ranked you should not even be participating in the first place.

Requiring wins for this and for account status redemption when it comes to leaver games is the best change the devs could have thought of.

Lets say you as 50k other people are still diamond or higher, but you’ve only ever played 10 games each season and carried over your inflated rank from that one season that broke the game and ruined the legitimacy of all ranks. Now the decay will eat away at the accounts because you don’t feel like playing, so next time you do, those that earned their ranks will have higher chance of not playing with that one person that ruins their games by not matching skill and game knowledge.


That lookslike my last 3 games today, i just stopped it.

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Actually, it’s one of the smarter things they’ve done. You no longer can AFK 10 games to get your mount, destroying matches for loads of people.


50 win plus the long queue times makes it a chore. The bar is a bit high to encourage enough people to play to bring down those times. Making it a play 50 with at least a min of xp/kill contribution would be more manageable.

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More people play SL mean shorter queue times.
I think they do it right, just add more reward for next session.

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I agree. This game needs much more trophies and cosmetics that can be only achieved by winning against other humans. Not playing. Winning.

There are too many baddies and trolls who just show up expecting “participation awards”.

Giving these prizes out only to people who put in the effort to improve as players is the best change ever.
It will also weed out people like OP from the community who have no intention of ever improving and trying to help their teammates rank up, the kind who go “it’s just a game chill lol” in a ranked match.

If you are not putting in your best effort every match to win rank points you are a big part of what’s wrong with HotS. Other modes exist for this mentality, such as AI or Brawl.


You have to be lucky to get fifty times less potatoes than the enemy…

As someone who has been playing since Beta and doing ranked since Alpha and sitting through all the silly changes they’ve done, I was okay with the MMR decay and whatnot and I truly have always just preferred QM over ranked. I always have. I always place in diamond or master, and eventually end the season also in master, even with the introduced rank decay.

But the 50 win requirement? Nay, even 50 GAMES in my opinion is too much. The quest to get 3 wins you get as a daily, the quests in the Tyrael event that required wins, we AVOID those, because this game very often punishes whole teams for potato players and doesn’t give the character enough of an incentive to do “good”.

50 GAMES is a lot, 50 WINS is an entire monster altogether. The rate I play this game for fun is maybe 3 games a day, and whether or not those are ranked are based entirely on my mood. Let me restate once again I am only ever diamond or master, I have never, since their inception, been placed lower, and instead every season I crawl higher. But this is a LOT. You just make me work extremely hard for something I’ve already earned multiple times in the past. This is exhausting. Please change it before the season ends.

I was under this opinion as well, until recently I realize that there are actually no mounts to receive. basically, we did the 50 wins for nothing.


I know I’m necroing an old post, but this is possibly the dumbest sh!t ever posted on this forum. You’re suggesting to get the season reward players just need to queue 50 games and just actively play for 1 minute before they afk?

So you are telling me you play less than 50 ranked games in 4 months? Why do you even play ranked lol

I’ve n ver known of rewards. Please tell me more