5 man parties aren't handicapped harshly enough in MMR

Whatever MMR inflation you’re using for 5 man parties needs to be increased.

Every game in QM that I’ve had where it has been an utter stomp (read that as STOMP, not a loss) has been to a 5 man party.

How do I know it’s a 5 man party if it’s not shown? The score screen will tell you. So and so is in a party with [4 other names]

Losing a match because I was out skilled is fine. Losing a match because the other team was able to have 5 people on mics and a decent draft in QM is frustrating.

So whatever MMR handicap you’re giving groups is not enough. Really should look at it.


relax, just find some friend, problem solved :upside_down_face:

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A 5 player premade party consisting purely of plat+ or dia+ players probably has a lifetime win ratio around 70% or more in QM (compared to ~50-55% for the average solo player).

There was another topic where a player from the Brazil server met a group of smurfs that were +90% after 500 quick matches (but this is understandable as it falls under the ‘close to dead’-servers category)

I would generally agree, whatever small 200-300 MMR adjustment they have left over from the peak population days isn’t enough for today.

They probably need to give them opponents (consisting of solos or smaller parties) 500-1000 MMR higher than themselves to offset the advantage.

(I know not all premades communicate, or even know each other, but there is a problem with these roving bands of high MMR players driving away casual players from QM seeing as how many of these topics pop up on forum/reddit)


They should just start matching 5 mans vs other 4-5 mans. Then problem would be solved. No need to increase mmr handicap as it does nothing.

Also since 5 mans can manipulate team comps like picking a lot of self sustain heroes and then get a team that has no self heal at all.

LIke what are a team full of mages suppose to do vs a comp that has self sustain and hard engage. They will just end up afk in base cause there are no fun in that.


Kinda seems like the only good solution anymore will be splitting queues… but that probably won’t be all that good.

5man parties are not handcapped at all. They have such a overwelming advantage in this game cause 90% if not more of the randoms in this game up to even diamond do not understand soak, team comp and focus.

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The game gives them a small increase in MMR to accommodate the fact they can draft competently and communicate, but as Shapeshifter said some of these groups have a lifetime winrate of 70% so it’s not enough to matter and should be increased.

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Really not sure will it ever be possible. There are no people at this game, Terraria does more online than Hots. So cause of that, main hots rank and match-making systems probably not working. As u understand, online is not growing - it falls every time.

I think the project will simply be closed soon. They not really be in a hurry all that years to rework systems, so why do u think they will do something now? Right now when it’s almost dead.

Мy advice - wait for the cover and dance on the grave :grinning: Play others video-games, LOL for exmpl. Hots are broken, no need to touch this corpse :sweat_smile:

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ITT, people making excuses (again). Apart from abusing the matchmaker (albeit legally) by playing in minor regions at odd hours there is no reason 5-stacks shouldn’t win more easily. Or that better players shouldn’t win more easily.

Queuing solo doesn’t exactly flag you as a good team mate because you’re essentially choosing the way you want to play the game over what the team needs. So of course the team with bare minimum of coordination is going to have the upper hand.

In my opinion the MMR handicap should go altogether because it’s reinforcing bad habits by giving people weaker opponents so they don’t have to make the effort to play as a proper team mate and can continue to do whatever selfish thing they were going to do anyway without having to review their approach.

Do we have the games population for this change or would it lead to way longer queues? Imagine there are regions, which can be counted as half-dead already.

5 mans had 6-10 min que for a game when qm forced them to wait for another 3-5 man stack was ready to face them 3 years ago so why not.

Today 5 mans just get whatever team matchmaker finds no matter how the party size of the enemy team is with zero wait time.

And if its a try hard 5 man then you better of just stay in base if your team has a weak team comp and half team of feeder or trolls while the 5 man has nothing of that.

I agree on empty servers that wont work but people have asked this for years both here on this forum and on reddit.

5 mans should not get any special treatment just becasue they can draft thier team and steamrole whatever solo/duo team shows up.

mmr handicap does nothing too btw when most games vs premades are decided on loading screen half the time cause they have the better team comp while you end up bady sitting 2 mages and a Aba that sits in base while enemy team gets high engage team.

And at last most people today only premade today just to avoid getting a troll or a feeder on thier team while enemy team has to suffer a 25 min game with all of those. I hardly believe people do it for exp now days lol. They only do it to get free wins vs teams that dont stand a chance againts them so they later on can brag about thier 90% winrate on thier smurf account cause they cant carry a game on thier own and need a premade just to get easy wins vs handicapped solo/duo teams that is filled with feeder and trolls.


They got some good publicity when a very known youtuber recently advertised them. I wish they could reach out to more of these people to make HotS more known.

I do agree with you low population is the main cause of horrible matchmaking.

I think the project will simply be closed soon. They not really be in a hurry all that years to rework systems, so why do u think they will do something now? Right now when it’s almost dead.

I don’t think it’s likely considering all the resources they’ve poured into this. Diablo 1 is still online after 23 years and you can play multiplayer games in it through the inbuilt battle.net utility.
Even if all the servers become low population, there is always AI mode and Customs.

Play others video-games, LOL for exmpl. Hots are broken, no need to touch this corpse

I already play it a few times a week (plus Dota 2), as do a few other people here; I don’t think this needs to be a juvenile “one versus the other”- thing. I don’t have to hate LoL to play this game. I don’t have to hate HotS to play Dota 2.

I want HotS to stay online because it’s different from the other two and offers great fun when it works right: Shorter match times, more action right from the start, larger rotation of maps, fun and nostalgic Blizzard characters to play.


There’s a difference between having a slight advantage and having such a huge advantage that the game is a stomp with no real chance of winning.

Its not even that. 5mans are well the favorite to win cause blizzard does not take into fact all the trolling and afking that goes on in this game.

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QM comp rules still apply. Enemy has tank, you have tank. Enemy has healer, you have healer. There is no rule however that if you queue to “test out a hero” or “have fun”, the enemy should have players with the same intentions. They might be out tryharding for all we know. You get overall higher MMR team which you’ll have to make do with, and it’s more than fair. Going solo is about freedom. You have the freedom to choose what you play and freedom to lose for going unprepared.