3 afk in a game

and we are still supposed to play this out?
great stuff!

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Technically, you don’t have to. If this happens to you often, you could just simply stop playing the game and move on to something that satisfies you.

How often are you in a game where you have 3 AFK players? Perhaps once or at most twice a year? I’ve played this game since launch and played too much and I can recall maybe a total of 4 times where I’ve had 3 AFK players in my game. I’m not even sure it’s that high an instance.

My suggestion to you is report the AFK players, and go on to your next game with no need to post a thread about it here, just use the Salt Mines as Dr. Logan suggested.


Yeah, you don’t encounter even 1 afk player that often (but it does sting enough to make you think it happens more often than it really does), let alone 2+.

I did recently have a game where 4 players in the enemy team went afk for the last like 4 minutes of the game, felt sorry for their Medivh who still tried to do something.

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Just report them all for afk.

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it is annoying, however if you do manage to somehow bulls- out a win you officially have the right to bm the entire enemy team to previously unthinkable degrees.

Just ping them and sit in the back and let the other team end while you are watching youtube or something. Not much you can do about it.

They won with two bots on thier team. So it can happen. But most people are too fast to give up.

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I guess it really depends on the situation. I personally dont see a problem with 3 going afk BECAUSE there is likely a reason such as the enemy team obviously being a grandmaster smurf team or you having an AI because of a leaver ´and youre in QM with a selection of low tier characters.
There is nothing to play for there.

Ive only had it in these situations and i agree with it. Get it over with and get into a new match.,

or you could get over yourself and not bump months-old complaint topics.

Oh boy, let’s get a magic “Feels bad, internet cookie” for another one-off complaint from someone who hasn’t figured out the magic that “Free will” exists. If they’re “afk”, then tell the other person you’re going to bail, the game ends for that side, and you move on with life and don’t have to “play it out”



this is completely out of relevance to the thread but
I don’t suppose you play for honor
those #'s are looking oddly familiar

You waited eight months to give me this reply? I never tried to justify players going AFK, I said to just report them. If this was such a pressing issue for you, (i.e. if you really have 3 AFK players in your games frequently) I would assume you would have replied far sooner than eight months.

As it took you eight months to reply I’ll just assume you are exaggerating a little and really don’t experience 3 players AFK in your games very often, perhaps that happens once every eight months?


Yup never quit, never add surrender, you have to play cause supposedly the other team has the same odds as you of getting 3 afks.

Btw i know everyone is just gonna say report them, Yet it does nothing. These players get to afk 100s if not thousands of games before they get punished so.

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I will take log of how many I get today over X amount of games, and I will get back to you… 3 games so far today and 1 AFK in Well hitting Spray every 40 seconds so we can’t get an AI. Ya Blizzard has allowed this.

Update: So far 10 games 4 had afk’s all were losses.
Afk 1. KT sat well ALL game using his Spray every 40 seconds to not be kicked resulting in no AI for the team.
Afk 2. Valla got owned by a Lunara then rage quit after 2 minutes in.
Afk 3. Murky Don’t know why just Afk’d
Afk 4. Sonya, Decided the game doesn’t matter and was just afk lane all game then when 4 man died she would run to enemy team 1v5.

Sound like the worst luck ever. I’ve gotten 2 afk in a team maybe a few times in 6 years I’ve been playing this game.

Usually when this happens we lose in minutes because we just end up sitting at base as a mutual agreement

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Then you are not playing very often… play about 20+ games a day then come back.

I don’t, so I can’t say I’d know what you’d have encountered there. A lot of my humor is going to be referential, and meme-culture is all referential, so there may be similar sources on what I’m referencing compared to whatever you saw in For Honor.


  • “life hack” hashtags are all over the internet, I just added in words from the OP.
  • Oscar Wilde, poet and playwright, is attributed with saying “Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit but the highest form of intelligence”

When used well, sarcasm can be humorous, but tends to just be used to convey hostility for people lacking buff coping mechanisms.

“Tell the other person you’re going to bail” Then what? Get reported for being AFK yourself by the rest of the team? Then get suspended or banned? That’s your solution!? Let me guess you work for Blizzard?

ya 3AFK in game you play well you is MVP have 20kills 0death and you LOST same point that your afk RND potato with 20 death 0kill 0dmg… This is it!