2019 Ranked Season 1 Info?


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Yea, more like ‘Let’s let our GM players play with bronze players to rig matchmaking completely in our favor because that was totally fair’ League.

Blizzard needs to put much, much harsher restrictions for Master/Grandmaster players in pre mades in order for ranked to not be considered a joke.

Info almost always comes seven days before the next season by the way. Why they’re delaying it this much is beyond me. I guess the ptr changes need to be looked at in order for ranked to be considered, or waiting for next year.

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I don’t like the sign of how long it takes to come. Reminds me of PBMM 2017 patch.


Yeah, I don’t like it either. I also would rather they had done first the ranked changes for this end of the year + role changes + QM. Then later next year they try the changes on gameplay (exp and all) with extended PTR + community feedback.

The season reward quests will also have to wait, along with the hl/tl merger.