1 year, that's how long I predict this game has left


Search Interest overtime has waned from 61 to 23 in one year

  • A reduction of about 62 percent, and the lowest point it has ever been in the game’s history. When compared to the other two genre giants DOTA 2 and LOL HOTS is eclipsed.


Twitch views for heroes of the storm have been in a sharp decline. With it’s peak and average views nowhere near it’s past projections. It is in decline from every trend from 14 days to 365 days.

League of legends has remained mostly steady or upwardly trended in most of it’s viewership. With it’s peak viewers being nearly 10 times HOTSs peak viewers in both their histories.

  • Matchmaking has barely improved since inception and with such a low population it’s getting worse by the day

  • HL IS DEAD. TL IS SMURF CITY. THE COMPETITIVE PLAYERS HAVE LEFT, THERE IS NOTHING COMPETITIVE LEFT IN THIS GAME. Placement bug players are still littered through out, and bad players are rising just as much as the good players.

  • Developers including lead content designers have been moved onto other projects, this one has been no longer deemed profitable.

  • Activity on both these forums and the subreddit is declining slowly but surely. Heroes had 209k subscribers just a week and a half ago and now 207k

I say this not because I want to see this game die, but to put into perspective just how dire things are. If this game is not fixed within one year, there will be no recovery. They must at least fix things by the summer or this game will be irreparably destroyed. This isn’t like starcraft where a game can be revived because it’s the top in it’s genre.


Tbh if Blizz year ago didin’t make an mess they did with matchmaking, all could be fine. But now? Meh let just plug out this game and move along, nothing can change now the current state.


1 year only ?! heh : D
part of playerbase really lose his faith…
But both leaders CEO main bosses (i dont remember right now his names ,watch youtube movie " History of Blizzard"!)WOULD NOT ALLOW HIS PROJECT TO BE DEAD!! IM 100 % sure about that. Only future would be proof at everyone wich lose his faith and talk almost bullshts!
“look in future 2025 year ,start exe of HoST is still exist at desctops of peoples computers,they wanr to click it”…
You would be amaized to see that!
Like Diablo immortal! Like WarCraft…
The game had future and can be reworked!
You dont know nothing about our human race inwardness,how work!

I will support this game to the end, assuming I don’t get banned for losing my temper in-game and crying about how broken some heroes are without their proper counter…


Whatever.I still find it fun and will continue till it does not.You continuing trolling or not won’t amount to much.


Well, the matchmaking is bad since I remember and it never improved.

Add the silences and bans for language when you have mute and mature filter available, total ignorance of afking, feeding, nonparticipation and trolling…

Then 0 loss forgiveness when you have the mentioned people in team. You lose exatly the same amount of points as the troll.

Also add the December’s 2017 placements and ranking fail.

Then the catering to casuals like stealth changes.

And also the forced esports and changes associated with that. Changes to specialists, lanes, experiences. Trying to get the game similar to dota and lol.

And you hsve recipe for disaster.


They will never totally shut down one of their game because the economic backfire will be too big: think of all the money people has put in HotS, if they close the game servers everything will be lost but then even players on other Blizzard’s IP will start thinking if their game will be next so microtransaction will almost stop because people don’t want to dump money on something that can be taken down.

HotS will be put on mantainance mode (so no one will “lose” his money), probably at the start of 2020 when all the already (or almost ready) to go Heroes that are already stored will be released. Then active development will probably stop and the game will be kept around with just balance patches here and there.


Its activision, they dont care. There is barely any economical gain in this game anyway

And it wouldnt be the first game to get dropped entirely aswel.

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One cannot compare the viewing figures of LoL and DotA2 with HotS. Both of those products fall into the elitist MOBA category which have formed their own inflated eco systems so those people will never go anywhere else. It does not help that their players criticize HotS and create social pressure that anyone playing HotS is a kid just because they love wasting their time last hitting things.

The decline in HotS activity likely coincides with the rise of battle royal and other such games which take away causals but are perceived as more accessible. HotS never got large enough to form its own ecosystem, with much of it parasitizing off players from other Blizzard games.

If one looks at Blizzard’s library currently there is not much new being added. Some of the recently added games are not even from Blizzard and Warcrat III Reforged is basically an updated Warcraft III. I suspect the reason they are pushing HotS towards maintenance mode is that the developers time would be more impactful if put towards another new product that will get new players. Think of more Overwatch like successful games being released, and Overwatch was hugely successful. This is not saying that HotS will be completely ignored, in the distant future work might pick up on it again similar to Warcraft III.


on these points…

  • true, but 2019 updates are coming with an MMR update. so we can see what happens then. right? :slight_smile:
  • TL is where the action is. besides this 2019 updates is bring us back to merged ranked system like it was before ppl asked for it to be separated.
  • do you think they will no longer support the game? did you know they have continued support for Diablo 2 (patches) long after it became literally what can be considered dead as far as population?
  • meh reddit sucks anyway.
  1. Citation needed
  2. Blizz even posts their banwaves from time to time.

Loss forgiveness is on its way (when someone is disconnected).

The stealth change was aimed for the pros with the casuals in mind. Samuro, Zera and Valeera all saw good success after the changes at HGC.

Almost none was because of esports. And funny to see this complain after a complain about cattering to casuals. It seems the game shouldn’t be balanced around casuals nor the pros…

Specialist was always a failed role which ppl misunderstood from the beginning. They weren’t really good at teamfighting, so players focused on laning with them, ignoring obj and teamfights. This only works against ppl eith bad macro (not pros). So they changed it.
XP change was against snowballing. Again, not because of the pro scene.

This game actually did a pretty good job at balancing the game around good players but still caring for their casuals.

I agree with your post, but when it comes to long term support of this game, I think comparing it to Diablo 2 or D3 is a bad example. Both of those games don’t require a game population to play or enjoy. HOTS was made as a team game with vs AI primarily for training.

If the game loses too many players it may still be supported, but outside of VS AI, it won’t be playable as intended.


I can always tell who’s a teenager/early twenty something on these forums because of their belief that popularity matters in the long run.

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Popularity does matter when the population gets so small that you can no longer play the game, or at least play certain gamemodes.

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I think ppl underestimate WIII reforged, as it will be packed with dota so basically Blizz will be one now selling “classic dota” with updated graphics. So even the mentioned “elitists” will be up to try it out, smartest decission they could ever do.

Also i can;t wait to play Enfos, castle fight, hero siege, footmen frenzy, vampirism fire, battleships (basically moba with ships, check it out!)


That’s not what’s meant by “popular”.

Is Warcraft 3 a “popular” game?


It’s search trend is considerably smaller than Heroes of the storm.


Warcraft 3 has 0.3% less viewing hours on Twitch than Heroes of the Storm.

According to these criteria, HotS, by comparison, has a SIGNIFICANTLY larger presence in the mindspace of the public, yet are you going to tell me that NOBODY plays WC3 anymore and that it’s a “dead game”?

No, don’t be silly. Just because WC3 isn’t the latest craze with the kids (ie popular), doesn’t mean any of those things.

So no, over the long term, being a popular video game isn’t really that important to the players who are continuing to play the games that they enjoy.

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True, but it still impacts the quality of the gameplay experience.

Any new players who try to get into the game will find a very hostile environment where they will suffer one crushing defeat after another, until they either practice and read up on guides to the point where they can actually compete with the people who’ve been playing the game for years, or they quit.

Any gamemodes that aren’t popular with the diehard fans might as well not exist. Unless you have a group of willing friends, you’re generally stuck playing in only the most popular gamemodes and lobbies.

And if you run into players you don’t like because they’re rude/elitist/griefing/cheating, you’re generally stuck with them. They’re likely to be friends with the rest of the diehard playerbase and thus can’t be kicked or avoided.

So yes, a game doesn’t live and die by how much it’s trending on twitch, but a lack of popularity is still a very real concern for an ongoing multiplayer game.


You never played SC2 did you. I still play. It’s still crushingly hostile to someone who’s played the game for 8 years let alone a new player. Yet people still play SC2, even new players.

Welcome to life new person. It’s generally not ideal for you here. That’s no reason to quit though, as un-ideal as it sounds, it really does have it’s moments. Good luck & have fun!

I just proved this sentiment wrong but whatever, continue to march on with your own internal narrative I suppose.

I’ll hold you to it. If this game is still standing in one year, I’ll expect your resignation from the forums.


Why would the game not be standing?