YoggChamp Achievement

Anyone completed this achievement yet, or even got close? I can’t see any scenario where you can set this up in a competitive game without your opponent conceding and then it somehow triggering correctly to kill them?

I’ve been trying pretty hard. Closest I’ve gotten was just now, I had the secret active and the opponent was at 1hp and they cast a spell but it just ended up buffing one of my minions then they conceded. This achievement is so frustrating because yeah the chances seem REALLY low that it actually happens. At least with the second tier of Yogg Take the Wheel (spin the wheel of Yogg to win the game) you know you got that 5% of Rod of Ruin and a 50/50 shot (give or take depending on relative health) that you win out. So like, eventually that one’s gonna happen by the law of large numbers. Within about 50 plays of Yogg on average. But it feels like Yoggchamp could just never happen in someone’s whole life.


Yeah it’s so frustrating. As a completionist I’m literally suffering as I will never gonna be able to do this one freaking achievement. Shame on you Blizzard. :frowning:

well, it’s not like you’re at 15k (or w/e the max is) achievement points and this is your last one missing

Do it works if the leathal dmg is deal to yourself?

Is this the one where the wheel has to kill the opponent?
Rod of Roasting could do that.

Well actually, it is. I still need to complete the ‘Play 500 Corrupted cards’ achievement, but that will just autocomplete over time. So yes, this is the only one missing. And that’s frustrating.

how many achievement points do you have?

Ah sorry I misinterpreted your last post. Of course I’m not at 15k achievement points, as I’m only really going for the achievements that grant XP. So this one is the only missing from the Darkmoon category.

Oh I see, it’s deal lethal damage with Oh My Yogg.

I assume the most likely scenario to get this is that they cast a 10 mana spell that becomes pyroblast to their own face.

I read somewhere that if the spell kills YOU, it still counts. I would take that any time.

inf3rno, how did you complete the “Forbiddne Jutsu” achievement?

Hello all,
I completed this achievment in about 8 hours in wild mode with the following strategy :

  • play “Lorekeeper Polkelt” before drawing all “Oh My Yogg!” of your deck
  • draw all your deck until “Oh My Yogg!” is the card on the top of your deck (play no other 1-mana card to know when it’s the case)
  • play “Mischief Maker” to give the secret to your opponent
  • wait until your opponent play it (most of the time the turn just after)
  • play “Anyfin Can Happen”, so it will transform in a 10-mana spell that can kill you (“DOOM!” if enough minions on board, “Ultimate Infestation”, “Pyroblast”, …) => it will complete the achievment

Warning, the timing is very important, cause to kill yourself with these spells you must have 10 life or less, so it’s hard to survive and to complete the strategy, it took me about 50 games, often lost quicky cause aggro decks destroy you.
My deck was full of 2-mana card that draw (mostly minions) in order to draw very fast, and a little heal.
I think that “Ultimate Infestation” is the easiest way to die, but this is a “Pyroblast” that killed me =)

Keep trying, it’s possible :wink:

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Why so mean Shakou ??

Thanks a lot for the tip. Tried the strategy and got a kill twice. I played anyfin into the secret which turned it into Nagrand slam and killed my opponent. Another time I just had the secret up mysef and a shaman played Eye of the storm, which turned into Nagrand Slam and killed med. Neither of these games awared me the achievement. (It was in ranked play) Is this a bug, or how I misunderstood how the achievement works? (Also made a post on the bug report forums to ask, so this post i primarily to say thank you for a strategy that works:)

The spell has to directly get the kill. Nagrand Slam summons minions that get the kill

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Sorry I thought it will works.
Someone told me that DOOMS! didn’t work neither…
So I was very lucky with my pyroblast face.
If I knew that it was the only way, I would not have spent that much time on it.

I’m at 15k and still missing a ton of achievements so I can confirm the max is probably 18k

As for topic I got the Yoggchamp achievement 3 days ago.