Wrong Priest Blizzard

Currently playing and seriously enjoying the new Devil May Cry, great game, and a lot of fun. The fun to cost ratio it provides is making me question pre-ordering the next HS expansion.

This is on top of the new priest hero that I really do not care for. It’s very annoying considering the priest hero I do want and would happily pay for, but you refuse to sell - Tyrande. Why can’t I have to option to buy her in the bundle instead? Paywalls…ok, annoying, but permanent locking out of content I missed? Content that I want… in a collect-a-thon game? The new hero available is annoying because of this to the point of it being a net negative on the package, seriously. “No we can’t sell you these cookies, sat right here, that we already sold many of, but pay us the usual and we’ll give you this bread here instead”.

Nope, not this time.

They crazy thing is, if the skin was earned through an event she’d probably still be available. You can still get Arthas, you can still get Liadrin, I think you can still even get Morgl. But no, because Tyrande was essentially sold, I can’t get her as I was late. You;ve got to be some mean and bitter soul to resent players getting a chance to buy her again…you didn’t do anything to get her other than pay at a specific time. We’re not talking about some long winded multi-day WoW camp or whatever, zero…ZERO effort was required. Its already in the game, bringing it back does not take away chance of getting new skins to obtain.

Blizzard…FFS please…

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Ok so where is she then? Seems like they stated these things years ago and have yet to deliver. Now they are charging extra for a new priest hero, but still so sign of Tyrande. It’s infuriating.