Wretched Tiller Card

Wretched Tiller Card is completely not acceptable, the player is not doing anything, just adding three cards to his deck and play to draw them, then he will finish the game with these cards

Please you need to consider this as a suggestion or opinion to change or delete this card



peole also forget that you can slide it into any priest/warlock deck and your opponent still has to play around it

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This week we should see an update. Thank goodness lol :laughing:

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about a week, they didnt say this week they said ‘‘sometime next week’’
so for about a week we will have to deal with brainless shameless players abusing a broken combo and steal our rightfully gained rank. cool
what a joke of a company. shouldve been patched 3 days ago
inhuman scums
turn 6 auto win with emperor. no chance to even get my tech before my opponent outskills me
the comany owes the playerbase the world for this type of lunacy. ban whoever played it for a whole year


plenty other otk deck doing this…that feel more like a voice line complain than a turn 5-6 complain

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you dont understand. otk decks go off on 5-6 in very rare occasions when you draw the nuts and build an entire deck around them.
tiller just puts draw and heal in the deck and slams down emperor at 5, draws 15 cards by then.
you can also slot it into any priest/warlock deck and the opponent still has to play around it without the opponent even knowing whether you have it or not.
not even mentioning that even if all the moons align and you survive the combo it skips your turn, is that also a fun and quirky otk thing? no. it needs to be removed from the game the same day it is revelaed


not on rare occasion

tiller is not the first like that…its just a bit more consistent for the turn 5-6 otk
that dont make other otk deck going off on turn 5-7 any better than tiller

i understand the issue fully…but ignoring other decks that can also pull otk that fast too and saying they are not a problem is being quite stupid…pretty much cherry picking what you want to be mad at and pretend the others decks that can do alike not being an issue

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That’s what i’m trying to say.
the Jock is whole deck build on three cards only
the player doesn’t do anything, just drawing card and healing until he get them
then in one turn he finish the game even if you have full health and hundreds of armors

which is completely not acceptable

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Only semantics, but 4 cards: your list does not include wretched tiller

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play rush deck and delete priest under 4-6th easy

Rightfully gained gold 5?

go away random spam account troll, only diamond players like me can post here