Wild queue cycles are garbage. Just remove Casual Play to make it faster for ranked

I can’t be the only one waiting 2 minutes on an off hour just to play a single game. Is the mode so dead that this game has to force us to wait so long? I remember when game queues were quick, and with the changes it takes forever. Either people just hate the game now and have left, or something else is broken within the matchmaking.

I guess you’ve never played Overwatch. Dps queue times jump between 10 minutes to 15-20 minutes lmao!

I have no idea why you’d play OW if your queue times are that long. Especially when the actual game will last something like 5-15 minutes. Guess a lot of people are masochistic.


Ehh what rank are you? I do the normal grind in wild and the que times might reach 10-30 seconds or a minute or two sometimes, but i’d rather get to play twice as many quest cards or have a good fun wild game than just standard. Just grab a snack and let it roll while you eat. It’s not that bad unless it’s still guessing your mmr.

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It’s multiplayer games in general. More ppl want to dps, than those who want to fill support roles. So those happy to tank, or heal, get the privilege of fast queue times…

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Queue times are perfectly fine. Rank wild is fun till mid plat, after that is mostly tier decks or toxic garbage, few good games after that, Casual play is where you get the real builds skipping the ropers, conceding to rank decks in between casual is where the fun is 4 some… Long ago waiting and loading times were a thing. Just turning on a computer and connecting to the internet took an eternity.

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I hit Legend the other day. I guess at day six, there’s no one up in the ladder. So I queue in casual to play some memes and still nothing

been playing tank at least i can try to take the objetive or push the payload

fast queue but its too much stressfull lost track of how many times i was alone at the payload as a healer with my whole team just rushing to get killed by the opponent team…re spawn and do it again

You might be on a mobile device that was slow updating to play. Most of the players were on the upgrade and Blizzard isn’t as fast with upgrading mobile devices. It will return to normal eventually.

How does that make any sense if the game is cross platform? It would be no different if I played on a PC than if I did a tablet or phone.

What rank are you playing/queueing at?

Have you tried queueing with another deck? (In the case where matchups queue you against specific decks (which would be less frequent)).

Searching for 2 people vs searching for 12 people. Also hearthstone matchmaking is jank, faced a top 1000 legend player in diamond ten - diamond 5 range. At least overwatch tries to balance their matches.

Aren’t you special… Maybe that is why you can’t find a match. Majority of wild players get lucky if they reach diamond rank by the end of the month.