Wild players rejoice

The degeneracy that is seedlock has finally been removed from wild.

But now that seedlock is gone, get ready for the flood of secret mages to dominate wild again.


This may be a case of be careful what you wish for. I don’t understand why they didn’t look at all the quest lines. Sigh….

I’ve been running skulking Geist to deal with ignites lately, and it helps

But yeah mage is just gonna own wild now. Mages and Pirate Warriors. Half of control decks are just going to be tech cards


I’ll return playing renolock: can’t wait to reach 10 mana cristals again or getting obliterated by turn 5 by pirate warrior.
How to stop them? They were already strong before the questlines, now they also got a 1 mana 2/2… can’t wait to see a turn 1: 2/2, patches from the deck, 2/2 parachute from hand: defile is crying.

Followed by so many powerful turns that I don’t even want to think about them…

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there is bunch of deck able to win on turn 4.
you sure you already checked them all ?

i seen rogue draw their entire deck on turn 3,
druid doing lethal from hand turn 4
paladin playing rebuke into 6/8 full board clown on turn 4 or 5.

People still gonna be losing to Locks in wild. :rofl:

It is going to be pirate warrior mostly.

Warlocks will become evenlock.

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I didn’t lose to many locks in wild before. I considered them to be a weaker class unless they could use Tickatus several times. Even then I could get Tickatus myself and play it. It’s not like it’s earth shattering. It won’t make up for your OP questline that’s for sure. I bet you need a tissue :joy:

Ah time to dust off the secret eaters and reap the reward aye


True, but at least it won’t be unstoppable and control can hang in there.

This CERTAINLY doesn’t address all of the problems with wild, but no deck no matter what should completely push an entire archetype out of existence, and that’s what seedlock did to control.

Its like giving control/combo a cheap card that stops them from taking any damage for 5+ turns. It completely kills aggro.

Seedlock is a bigger menace to control than Brann+Tickatus is

Even with the nerf does not change much for control in wild in my opinion. The quest legendaries they get from the quests will still be played around turn 6 and 7. We might have a bit more breathing space up front even if i havent seen the nerfs, i know blizz nerfs all too well after five years and doubt wild will be playable until a next set of nerfs or does anyone else have any information. In standard sure it will be fine and probably healthy but not wild.

As a primary ladder wild player, I will take the “better late than never” stance about the Warlock card ban. I hope this encourages more long-time players who have a larger card collection to return or enjoy wild again. Experimenting with different types of decks without fear of matching up or playing just one deck to counter that quest lock deck.
Overall it wasn’t the majority of my matches that I played against quest lock, but it certainly took the fun out of those games.
I hope to see even more variety and interesting play. The amount of cards that are available and seeing what others can create is what I like best about wild.


I would not worry much about it. Quest hunters in wild are doing pretty OK, and can easily kill secret mages. And quest hunters on the other hands will start to face control decks again. It looks like wild is coming back to normal :slightly_smiling_face:


Just to be clear, I have no problem with the core design of secret mage - I actually find the games to be pretty fun and dynamic, rewarding player deck/metagame knowledge, good bluffing and tempo related play patterns, couple different directions you can take it… never played the deck myself but have faced it countless times and always find the games to be an interesting challenge. I do totally get why people hate it though, been dominant in Wild basically forever and people are tired of it - makes sense to me.

I will say that I believe very strongly the format as a whole could be better and the time has come for some bold and pervasive balance changes, a la the extensive banlists etc you see in eternal formats in other CCGs… I actually don’t think they’d need to ban anything in Hearthstone’s case because of its nature as a digital CCG, they can change whatever they want…

its gonna be hunter that owns it now

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lol i wonder how hunter will do against decks loading up on a lot of healing. what will they do when that hand runs out?


Refill it with Barak Kodobane?

Hmm quest shaman seems to be noticably worse against token druid and aggro decks now, as expected. Seems small but aggro is making lots of boards that 1 mana nerf with a neophyte prvents you from answering, went from answering ele shaman and token druid to running out of resources and getting overran by them with a old list.

As well as toothless brukan turns where it seems small, but having one less card to combo with, when you already tended to be down to like 2-3 cards on turn 8-10 with brukan and going down to 1-2 really hits hard.

You can’t do as many combos and the deck gets overran by aggro easily now. It’s small, but the 1 mana nerf makes it much easier to lose control of a board and get overran or neophyted or overloaded against 4 health boards, you can’t combo clear as easily and if you ever lose board your recoveries are a bit less flexible.

The flames is still a beast for 2 mana but the instant you only have 3 mana available on turn 4/5 after some overloads and a 4+ health or divine shield minion drops and a neophyte disrupts the turn.

When aggro decks hit brukan you seem to go into more topdecking since you lack cards to combo and spend turn 10+ sputtering playing single cards at a time.

Aggro is supposed to be it’s strong matchup but it feels like the 1 to 2 mana nerf and lack of shaman draw can hit you harder than you might expect. The card still tends to do tons of value when you play it, but it’s a lot easier to lose 5-10+ hp or board and whiff brukan. Aggro matchups feel like they went from 70%:30% to like 50-60%(?) but it’s really hard to tell.

Lack of ability to wandmaker flame also means much weaker aggro matchups. It seems to struggle much more now even against aggro and doesn’t really have any good matchups but aggro. I guess it’s the old list though, maybe some refinements might help. but at least it gives the dust back though.

and an early mindrender is / was a great play vs combo which is seedlock
so, they take away anti combo, bc standard abused it, so wilds combo situation is going to be unchecked now that illucia is this like azalina clone instead of disruption.

Pirate warrior was the #1 deck in wild.

The competition got nerfed and it got buffed.

So guess what you’ll be seeing a massive amount of?