Wild balance changes pls good sirs

Can you guys tweak a few things in wild so we aren’t dying on turn 4, 5, or 6? There are so many broken combos that feel nothing like a game and everything like pulling a slot machine. We all know what good game play feels like. Strategy, proper game length, balanced classes. Thank you for all your work. Played this game since the year of the Kraken. People put serious time and effort into making it artful and full of fun. Just needs some tweaks.

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Yes, there is a button to click to change the mode to “standard”

Just pretend its like them getting a Royal Flush. Sometimes crazy low percentage plays happen. Similar to poker its about card luck. What doesn’t help is the ability to draw said combos consistently. Just move on is my best advice. Some games are laughable like that.

wild balance changes :rofl:

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Mech rogue seems to always have a 10+/10+ with wind fury by turn 4. but almost only bots play mech rogue, totem shamans generally have a full hand with at least 20 attack by turn 6,

even quest warlocks will generally have killed you by fatigue and completed quest by turn 8, not as fast at the above but unless I have at least 2 out the 4 cards I need in my opening hand to beat them, ehh concede. there Is nothing worth watching in the 1000th quest warlock beat you and I actually have a better chance against the mech rogue or totem shaman.

no complaints its just wild.

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“I didnt save my old cards and so the mode sucks”