Why'd I ever leave? Oh, right

Been away for a while, came back about two weeks ago. Was really enjoying it.

Then I met Bran. Oh, right. I forgot, this game is incredibly broken and there’s zero incentive for them to fix it.


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If it’s broken, why not play it and get the highest rank?

Almost as if it isn’t broken and playing that deck isn’t 100% win.

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the game is not broken, the game is a colossal worldwide scam disguised as a simple game, manipulated and full of algorithms that favor those who pay, especially in the arena, in defiance of any law that controls online gaming with money because in fact you you don’t pay for a slot machine but you buy dust that you convert into access to the arena, no one checks that the opponent is real and not a blizzard bot, no government authority supervises, blizzard does what it wants and YOU cash cows paid continuously like hamsters in a wheel, that’s all, that’s the plain truth

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