Why Is Everyone a Bot?

Why is the game 100% filled with bots? I am Diamond 5 and every single match I play is against a random bot named “WfjR32kNFD” and they play the EXACT same free 2 play deck. I am not spending a dime on a new xpac when 99.9% of my games are against bots


So i can ez mode farm them to the top with my Unicorn Priest

So the percentage of bots diminished in the time it took you to write your post? Keep talking. Maybe you can get rid of them all by yourself. :smiley:

The game has a lot of bots, because Blizzard doesn’t care.

More bots, means more players, means more Monthly Average Users, means Shareholders Happy.

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This ^^^ Blizzard has to inflate the numbers of players or it proves they fail at their jobs. Can’t be having that!

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I just started playing again a day or 2 ago too and I was shocked. I’m going through gold starting at 10 and up and almost every opponent is a clear bot with a name like jXpXsdNWw with the same zooish style deck. It’s sad to see that’s what hearthstone has become, i’m hoping the situation improves as you go up rank?

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Can’t believe I took for granted the heyday where you’d get a match with someone instantly and every match was intense.

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One would think that it would be some kind of fraud that would get them in trouble with the SEC, but then again, they probably have board members who make the requisite contributions to get anything problematic quashed, like they did with their workplace harassment suits.