Why is Brann 6 mana?

As far as how wild goes, Brann has no discernible advantage over Shaman’s years old battle cry quest, in fact Shamans battle cry doubler is three times more consistent. Also, with Druids mana shenanigans, there really is no advantage over that either. I’m not sure about how standards going, but after thinking it through, I really just don’t see why Brann can’t be four Mana, there’s really not a whole lot that warrior could do even if Brann was four mana very consistently that would make it any more effective. If that’s the case, why is it six mana? You made a really cool, interesting and fun card that I thought I could celebrate warrior with, but in reality after refining decks with it over and over again it’s really not that powerful. In text, it seems overpowered, in practice. It’s really not that impressive, at least in wild. Again, for wild I don’t understand why making it at least a little cheaper in place of its lack of actual game changing power output, as far as what warrior has is concerned, is a problem. As usual, I’m sure nothing will change, but I’m just saying, I’m a little disappointed. I understand cards aren’t crafted for wild’s sake, even though I do think more respect should be shown for the wild format, but I also have trouble seeing how a buff could break standard, or make it much more effective there either. And if it could break the card in standard to be 4, I would like to hear the explanation of how, and if you can’t explain it, then why is it 6?

some pleople ask brann to 7 or 8 mana, others say 4 is fine, who is the crazy

You’re right, he should definitely be a 1 mana 1/3 Taunt and the double battlecry should be start of game effect instead because other classes can do things you know? Why can’t warrior do things too?

In fact he should also have battlecry too which doubles battlecry as well as the start of game effect so that way he is quadruple battlecry that way warrior can finally win some games

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This card is too strong to be just a warrior, it has to be nerfed to be neutral. Then everyone will be able to use it and be happy!! Let’s pressure Blizzard to change!! If it doesn’t work out, we’ll put pressure on Microsoft, then there could be more layoffs!!

You have a roughly a 30% chance to use this card on curve outside of card draw mechanics and shuffling mulligan etc. Also warrior does not have many great battlecries in general. Especially higher cost ones. Shaman is guaranteed every every single game to have a battle cry doubler turn 6 or earlier if built correctly. My op is not as crazy as it sounds. There’s also almost no reason to need more than eight manna to get a great effect from shamans quest, so, even if they don’t have a reduction in cost for the hero power, it doesn’t matter, it clearly outweighs Brann. Brann is really not that powerful. He’s a pipe dream that seems good in theory that’s all. If you can actually list a legitimate reason why he’s not that’s one thing though. Boomboss is also not nearly as good as people make him out to be. Even on curve a null turn six with very little actual good payoff consistently available is simply not good. I say consistently because if you’re packing your Deck full of high cost payoffs chances are you’re just going to die before you get to pay off anything, that’s assuming your on curve! So you have to build basically a meme deck for him to be useful. At this level of power creep this is an unreasonable restriction in the game. Either that last sentence, I just said is true, or blizzard needs to seriously address the condition of wild, because that would then allude to a reality that wild is a grotesque abomination who’s condition is egregiously and inexcusably unmanaged. Either way, there’s a problem here. I’m just saying a slight mana drop is not that big of a deal. He could at LEAST be five, or have a stronger character. But a 6 mana 2/4 is just to appease the criers, and to protect the bottom line, not game integrity, it’s cowardly. If they tested him they’d know that.

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I think you’re referring to the wrong OTK warrior deck.

The one with Brann + Astalor is a fake, useless version. 28 randomly distributed ping dmg is laughable IMO. Brann even helps your cause as it telegraphs to you his intentions and puts you on a timer.

The real trouble is the Boomboss thogrun + Brann combo

I’m yet to find counterplay for that one. Except maybe some XXLL highlander value decks which I don’t play.

He has even more control than Odyn Warrior and he plays the Boomboss after he has cycled through his whole deck. With brann, that card destroys 6*3 = 18 cards from your deck (6 from the board, 6 from your hand and 6 from your deck)

Changing brann in anyway doesn’t do anything to that deck. Doesn’t help it, doesn’t hurt it

Brann is fine. Leave the poor guy alone.

Because the game is effectively over once it’s been played. It already gets curved out at 4 anyway. The card is just another stupid idea from the house of stupid ideas


Everyone with double battlecryes? It would be a total mess :laughing::laughing:

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Imagine if were cheaper. Doubling everything in early game would be hard to beat.

6 is probably around right then. You know you’re in about the right place when you’re getting complaints from both directions.

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