Why Dalaran Heist stage 5 is bad

I honestly beat it pretty drunk and don’t even remember my deck. I’ve played Hearthstone since beta so I have a fair bit of experience… I agree to a newcomer it’s pretty daunting. I do recall thinking for quite some time (probably because of the alcohol) on what to do in the later stages.

I’m really enjoying how everyone in this thread who sounds like they disagree with you obviously didn’t read a word you wrote. They just seem to think you’re some whiny loser if you say anything that sounds negative.


I totally agree, and thats why this deck (I was lucky enough to make) was the greatest deck Ive ever seen in any HS adventure (too bad it was in normal mode).
Enjoy these boss battles lol aka “Pogo Tea-bagging”.
Vargoth: https://hsreplay.net/replay/T8AQPhvUXS6f76A8uKRpS8
Kalec: https://hsreplay.net/replay/gLHDsxoGEG49Wmy3BLaUmn
Khadgar: https://hsreplay.net/replay/6bYpEzLnoPodZ2zGZV6ZZQ

lol I really wanted them to last longer but this deck is the ONE AND ONLY ALPHA BUNNY DECK OF DOOOOM!

That’s the main problem with this “game mode”. Synergy is far too important, and the bosses have far too much of it, for the player to be denied any of it.

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Agreed. Difficulty and RNG/variance don’t mix well. You can make them work but this adventure just seems lazily thrown together.


That is so much amazing luck it is ridiculous. About a month straight of grinding on Stage 5 and have not made it past 11th boss. Honestly, I am not that bad. Pretty decent I would say. smh wtf Blizz!


Cheers to that m8! Money partially well spent lool.

Yeah, this expansion has convinced me that I’m probably done with HS. I’ve purchased some packs from the next set, but at this point, if Standard is still the same handful of decks, and Arena is still this bizarre bucket design that actually increases variance in a world where most players use tier lists, and the solo adventure is more of this RNG-centered difficulty rather than…y’know, anything built around options or consistency or balance or…fun. You remember fun, Blizzard?

…if they don’t give me at least one mode I can enjoy, I’m done, with this, and with Blizzard. And I guess they win, because I’ve spent hundreds on this game over the years. Which REALLY SUCKS, because I used to love this game, but now all it does is make me unhappy. It feels like a chore, just clearing daily quests to throw more gold and dust on the pile.

Rant done. Per your issue, if you BADLY need to finish chapter 5, the most consistent and broken deck in my experience (I think I got all 7 checks with this one as people kept convincing me to give this trash another shot) is the Minions gain +1/+1 at end of turn anomaly, Druid, Spells cost health instead of mana, and every summon minion or card draw spell you can get. Just spam and trade well.


In over 50 runs (not beaten Khadgar once) i’ve had one set of robes. One. And i think that was my second or third attempt.

The RNG in this game is god awful. Blizzard are losing touch.


Sadly, I agree. I used to egruingly pay as it was fun…now i cant finish the last release, like not even one win on the last area and i have played the entire time grinding day and night and never, ever, won… NOT EVEN ONE RUN!!! Im not a %hit player and i hve paid hundreds of dollars for this shi%. I will tell you one thing. I will never ever pay Lizzard for anything ever again in my life. If they think this is good work, fantstic, it is not. You already hav e Billions of dollars and are just raking it in on what will ve diagnosed at some point as an addiction… WTF is wrong with you as a company is what is wront with our entire WORLD and you are perpetuating it like it owes you money. The world doesnt owe you s%it. You are a vampire. I hope you live for an eternity in misery and torutre as a result. Oh sorry… Activision. lol whatever. Put your lavel on all of the cancer you are creating… If you are reading this Lizzrd, and i know you are not, I want my money vack for the last espansion vcause not only did i not get my rewards… THAT I PAID FOR!!! I also have veen screwed vy your team for months now. As this vreak up happens. I just want you to know that i hate you… Mainly vcasue I know you will not do anyting to compensate. Enjoy your yachts and mansions.

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omg that deck sounds horrivle. i wouldn’t even want to play that… and after all this time, losing… wy should it. just stupid. there is no saving this. i wasted a vunch of money. they got us.

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I think the adevnture as a whole is fantastic… There is a difference in dificulty if you make the last level impossivle… it makes no sense and yes, lazy. Or just stupid. I’m starting to wonder. Is everyone at activision stupid? Or just the hoes making this game? Apparently a LOT of people left the old, good, company. Why would you leave a perfectly good jov unless… HOES. lmao

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Ok i thought i was frustrated but i think you’re on another level…

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Well, seeing as how I have never beat the 5th area EVER with any character… I def. leveled up lol. Months grinding for nothing but frustration.


Welp, sorry, but apparently only the people who insist that this expansion is above criticism are allowed to criticize it. You actually had an amazing time and were too stunned by the perfect design to realize it.


never sad i didnt have fun pants… it is fantastic, but a game loses it’s luster when you get no closure or completion. at that point, the fun that you had in the norma progress of the game becomes irrelevant, because your reasonable expectaion of something that you purchased for enjoyment doesn’t deliver atthe end of the day. i buy video games to play them and beat them. to complete as close to 100% of everything offered as i possibly can. to not even be able to win with one character at all, even once in the final level, that is effed-in-tha-bee is you axe me. i just went back to figure out what buggy crap may be going on with game and now, i cannot even complete the first stage with another character to see if they will get a crown for completing it. crazy i am, yes… but at this point i wonder if there is just a room full of lovely people at lizzad just kackling their arses off as they watch and orchestrate my pain. what happens on the 8th boss for TWO full days now, is just ridiculous puter RNG powning. i mean, unreal. how is it a coincidence? well, just because it is. going back in again now to try to just complete the very first area with the shaman. if i get powned again on 8, i dunno. every single shaman build has been good and the last one was great, and i was dead on turn 5. i conqured the 7th boss golden dragon fella like nothing, along with everyone else the entire run. but it happens like this EVERY time. it’s not a one-off or an anomally. i have been playin this ish for a long time. not since release, but not too long after, and this is just crazy.

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I agree. I was sarcastically imitating the people who respond to complaints with “git gud” and “then don’t play it”, etc… Because folks like that don’t understand or are too blindly devoted to accept the notion that there are poor ways to implement “challenge”.

I legit find this to be a bad expansion, and probably the key reason I’ll quit HS. And it’s not because I haven’t been successful. I bet I have more checks in Heroic than most people here, due to people convincing me, again and again, to give this trash another shot. It’s because winning and losing are just not satisfying to me, the vast majority of the time, mostly because I rarely feel there is much I could have done, once the RNG and variance are figured in.

This is a known problem with CCGs and rogue-likes, and known ways to ameliorate it, but Blizzard devs seem to have no desire to learn how to make a better product. And defenders here will claim that all complaints (except their own) are unfounded.

Like, you want to offer huge quality disparity in anomalies/passives/treasures/buckets? Give the player more choices each pick. You want to focus on re-rolling for those you like? Give a fast reset option. You want to stack the difficulty at the end? Give us save points. Alternatively, make the early game more interesting with a better variety of bosses, so I don’t have to face Alchemist Wendy literally more times than I see Gbas in a M* game. You want a lot of variance in your game? Don’t put in hard counter bosses like Haro, Carousel Gryphon, etc…

I could seriously go on, because I’ve been playing these games for, man, way too long now, but my point is: Blizzard devs don’t care. They won’t put effort into studying game design, looking at people who have done this better, or play-testing enough to answer the question: “Is this fun?” They’ll monitor the comments, and make token fixes to appease the masses. Seriously, check out the updates they’ve announced: nearly every change was 1) Updated deck with better/crappier cards, 2) Nerfed hero power, 3) Made boss more/less common. Like, how much more simple can you get?


with you, and sorry because i felt the irony but wasnt sure. i respect your opinion bc you are pants… i have played you before, i am almost certain. i think it really does suck for people like us because we do love the game and we do keep givng it second, third, fourth chances. but to have level 8 of the first area burn you over and over again after you know the bosses the cards etc… it seems fishy. and not in a murloc way lol.

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I was able to beat this run (on heroic) with Paladin with the Backup (add 3 silver hand recruits to your hand) hero power and the passives expedite and captured flag and since you generate infinite value from that you can pick buckets for survival or buffing. Just insta concede if you go against Haro Setting-Sun. Also pretty sure the four extra bosses have the exact same deck in heroic as their normal counterparts so you can try what works against them there.

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Part 5 has 4 extra bosses (so 4 extra chances of RNG completely f**ing you over and ending the run)
*These last 4 are also all mages (not broken, but just really boring)
*The first of these will win if you have too many animation cards or if you don’t have the best internet connection)
*Khadgar has giants and conjurers calling (we all know why this is a terrible idea)

Yes, I also don’t like chapter 5