When will you NERF the Rogue Swordfish weapon?

Just stop with this. Nerf it already what are you waiting for devs?. Totally OP weapon with low mana cost.

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It’s useless to post on this forum, blizzard fired all the moderators (to make more money), no one reports the players’ dissatisfaction, they are not even aware that the players are unhappy (yes at the moment or I write blizzard thinks that their game is balanced and that the players are happy with the game). A company that does not listen to its community and a contemptuous company that spits in the face of its customers. It’s the same in their games, they fired GM. Blizzard has just set up a report system in game and forum, a certain number of reports > ban without any human verification (you are not dreaming it is the players knowing that the blizzard community is toxic who police), yet another proof that Blizzard despises its community given that you have players who are banned (forum or in game) unfairly.

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They don’t nerf properly in the game. Wait 4 years.