When will you nerf Demon Seed Warlock?

Nerf the quest it is totally OP in wild. Nerf Crystallizer. Nerf the low cost self damage cards. All cost 0-1-2.


Yep , we got replay from the past , 7/10 games are quest warlock. Should be nerfed like quest mage.


I made a paladin charge handbuff deck to exploit that very fact. Probably got 70% winrate vs Seed. So funny to watch them pissfart around till they’re on 15-17 or so life, ending turn cuz they think they’re safe. Then WHAM 18 attack Leeroy downs their hiney. Haha.

But doesnt do so well against 4-turn pirate Rogue so still go nowhere on wild ladder.

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Tell streamers and youtubers to play other decks. In Wild you can play pretty much any deck from any point in Hearthstone’s history.


Yes nuke the dummy deck.


Back when seedlock was in stadard, i had a trampoline rhino deck that would easily deal with it and it might even get the otk down on aggro decks that would play a lot of minions.

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THIS! Just delete that stupid quest from the game or make it, that it damages both players, so they have to also heal themself. These days I auto-concede against this pure cancer deck. Maybe do that until they nerf this and let those try hards go from diamond to legend so we don’t have to play against them.

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Yes please. With the new 40 health version it’s unbeatable


It seems I insulted this archtype enough for the devs to make it actually viable now. Sorry guys. Mass production was all my fault