When is the Druid Quest going to be nerfed?

Not me, I am using my own variation on the Shaman Quest. I know it is my own recipe because there the Deck Tracker still says it doesn’t have enough data on the deck.

So I am not net decking. Oh, but you are going to lose to me. And after the crushing defeat you will accuse me of Netdecking. And I will have a good laugh at your expense.

It’s pretty difficult to adjust to a meta where creativity is hindered by the devs failure to address such problem. There’s no good tech cards. We need good tech cards back, we need dirty rat on classic, we need mill decks back, we need all that stuff again because right now everythings on auto pilot mode, any dimwit can just copy paste a deck and play it’s repertoire without any worries of disruption.

It’s all aggro right now, you basically only have 1-2 decks per class that are somewhat viable in standard and you still have to pray for good matchups and RNG because it’s all busted up.

In other words, the only way to adapt to the idiotic standard meta right now is to play wild, where at least there’s some chance to disrupt some of this nonsense.

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Wait one min… Nahhh I suggest anybody complaining about Quest Druid
to try and go pilot it. Its not as easy to navigate as you think! Murloc decks [both Shaman & Paladin], aggro Quest Hunter and Bomb Mech packages all present a problem. The quest is fine, you just want it nerfd because its fantastically awesome VS the one deck you really like right now.

I really suggest some of you noobs go read my latest post on How to Rock, Paper, Scissors the Meta! :joy::joy: The real issue with hearthstone right now is Greed before Value! The game is bearable but I fear there’s too much rigging towards monetization for a respectable metagame to exist for much longer. #SezWhoRight

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Not that they are unbeatable all of the time, I just smoked a druid with the quest he conceded after the 7th round…but…My only complaint is they only have to end the round with an unused mana crystal THEN their quest effect is PASSIVE!

I think they should be made to end with at least 5 mana crystals to complete the quest and they should HAVE to spend 2 mana crystals to use their power like all the other classes do. The PASSIVE is way too OP and they get to use ALL of their mana to play cards.

stupid response, idiot…

And yours is the smartest, it fits for this kind of thread.