When does the reward track reset?

The reward track says that it resets with the next expansion. Do we know if this is refering to the next full expansion or the upcoming mini set (rumored to drop 1/21/21)? I’d imagine it’d be the next full expansion (since the mini set is labeled as a mini set, not an expansion) but I wondered if anyone’s seen any specific confirmation either way.

I only ask because I’m pretty close to level 50 and will be annoyed if they reset the track before I unlock a golden portrait.

Thanks in advance

It’s the next full expansion. People say it will be in April.

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the flip side of this is actually much worse. I completed a quest today and it didn’t even fill up my bar, but when I do finally fill up that bar I will be awarded 50 gold. this is all the reward I can expect until they reset the track

You earn gold and level up pretty fast after 50.