When do plagues rotate out?

NO, its not because I’m using a highlander deck. I’m just sick of taking easy damage I have no way to mitigate that takes no skill to cause.

The Dk plague will remain after the rotation, it is a deck which deserves that all the players who play this deck be definitively banned for the reason that they did not ask the opponent’s agreement to touch their deck.

“no way to mitigate”? you realize there’s a single card that shuts down plagues, right?


[When do plagues rotate out?]

They only came in last expansion (Titans), so… March 2025

Does it rhyme with Clean Steamer?


Is it because you’re using a highlander deck? :slight_smile:


I refuse to add in the ONLY card that can counter these stupid things. To do so would mean taking out a card that has ACTUAL synergy with the deck its added to.

No,actually. I mean, I have used a highlander deck before. Taunt warrior is my main deck.

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Interact with the opponent?!? Never! I’m far too busy playing solitaire.


Its might as well still be solitaire since steam cleaner is te ONLY card that can counter plagues. Not that it matters since DK regularly discover a second copy of helya.

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I’m in no mood for your !@#$/. Explain it or go away.

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YOU are the one playing solitaire because you refuse to run removal for your opponent’s threats. Steam Cleaner is removal.


It is the ONLY removal that can deal with plague BS in standard. Unless I missed another card that can remove cards added to my deck? Am I supposed to incude ETC in all of my decks and put steamcleaner into it? How manhy plagues can be added to my deck by, let’s say, turn 5 assuming perfect draw from teh DK scum?

That’s not true. Warlock has multiple cards that destroy cards in their deck. Paladin can potentially delay them with Order in the Court. Warrior can transform them into random minions. And I am not exactly an expert on Sir Finley, Sea Guide mechanics so I’m not sure on this one but I believe a swap isn’t technically a draw, if anyone knows if this works feel free to chime in.

Also, I never assume perfect draw, nor should you. If your opponent gets a perfect draw you lose, simple as, and it doesn’t really matter what they’re playing or what you’re playing.


All of this is possible in standard? I play mage, warrior and some paladin.

Skulking geist also does the trick and even some more , and its neutral.

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skulking geist is standard?

What mode are you playing?? In wild mode?? If YES, the paladin highlander deck destroys DK’s plague deck, easily!
If it’s in standard mode, this dk plague deck loses to a 40-card Highlander deck if you put in the 5-mana mechanoid that removes cards that didn’t start in your deck!!

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Right. And if I don’t play a highlander deck? I’m supposed to swap out an actually useful card, for one that is slow as hell, because I MIGHT get a plague DK? That is some seriously bad design.

Standard because why the hell would I want to stress myself out by playing Wild.

Treant and dragon druid nerfs first. True plague decks.

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I only played in wild mode, I gave up on this mode because the druid has many cool decks for this mode, the only really effective deck is to make the opponent lose cards during excessive draw. That druid card that makes players draw more than once should be BANNED from wild mode.
What class do you play?? Paladin?? Hunter??

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