When can we expect this BG season's "thing"?

At some point in the season they give us stuff like buddies, quests, or those random things last season. Approx when can we expect this one? Any ideas on what it is?

Buddies, quests, anomalies were not added at some point in the season, they were the core theme of the season from the beginning.
And for this season it’s tavern spells

Blizzard does re-introduce old mechanics sometimes with a mid-season update. I believe quests and buddies both returned after their “main” season

I miss Darkmoon Faire… I wish they would just make like a weekend each month be DMF matches. Not a full week like it is in the wow titles. Just like the last weekend each month or something.

Battlegrounds seasons last 4 months. They usually do something at the midpoint to freshen it up.

Battlegrounds seasons start a month after the new set launch. Then the mini set usually comes a month after that. Then the battlegrounds adjustment a month after that. Then the new set a month after that. Plus or minus a week or two, but it’s a pretty regular rhythm these days.

Spells are new enough–and a big enough change–that it’s possible they just do some rebalancing and not anything as large as buddies, but I’d expect something in a week or two.

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See the comment below yours. I wasnt aware they had their own season, but yes the past few seasons those have been around for part… as if the season has 2 stages.

Looking through the patch notes it only happened for season 4 where quests returned 1 month and a half after the season launch
Note that season 4 was a major rework of battlegrounds that started without an added in-game theme
Season 2 started with quests, nothing was added
Season 3 started with buddies, nothing was added
Season 4 started with nothing, quests were added
Season 5 started with anomalies, nothing was added
Season 6 started with tavern spells so it already has a theme
Of course we can still see big updates revamping whole tribes but nothing so far is obvious that they plan to add another theme on top of tavern spells

Season 4 was the launch of Undead minions, wasn’t it? So maybe not a theme exactly, but it had significant new material.

5, with anomalies, they kept adding and rearranging the anomalies every few weeks, so while it only had one theme per se, gameplay changed repeatedly.

But you may be right, that a midseason shift isn’t as automatic as I’d been thinking.

Glad to have been wrong ^^