What's your current rank this season?

can’t break past 18 because of all the pay to win decks in ranked

Rank 5 and I’ve been stuck here, like every expansion. Might make a few more pushes to 4 or 3 but otherwise I’m staying here. Keep getting beat back by Mages, might finally try Murloc Shaman.

Edit: I already responded to this topic and didn’t notice until I was reading the replies.

Welp, I’m still rank 5.

Also OP, Control decks, in my experience, absolute wreck havoc on ranks 6 and lower. Back when I started playing CW in RR, I was constantly stuck at rank 18, sometimes getting to 15 but never higher.

I went from 19 to 12 in a day. with CW. 93% winrate all up until Rank 5 where people actually knew how to play the game a little more and wanted to win. The climb with good decks is astonishingly quick.

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Peaked at Rank 2 yesterday with a 9 win streak with my own Zoolock. Today I played it and would win 2 and lose 2, as soon as I got to Rank 2, back down to Rank 3 multiple times. Then I switched decks to Mage and highrolled the nuts 1 game against a poor Druid who added me afterwards and we chatted about it.

That being said I don’t think I played with as clear of a focus today as I did yesterday. I started making weird mistakes and throwing a game where I had the 1 mana minions from Pocket Galaxy against another fellow Mage. Yesterday my mind playing those games was crisp :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yea I like playing jank decks like big shaman.

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19 because i quit caring 2 xpacs ago… Now i collect card backs

Stay away from kids, you sick pedo bastard!