What makes HS good/bad?

Reason for my question:

  1. The game seems less fun, and I’m trying to decide if I’m being biased, or stubborn/addicted.
  2. When the game came out, I could make a deck, test it, refine it, and enjoyed that experience.
  3. I can download a deck and, kind of enjoy the game.
  4. I spent tonight trying to make a deck from scratch, refining it again and again, but the experience felt, terrible… I saw a lot of the same cards being used against me though… Titans that boost HP, mind control, board clears, endless plagues, the usual. It doesn’t really seem diverse, but every so often you get really specialized decks, where they’ll get like, 2k armor… I can include a card to counter that, but realistically I won’t draw it when I need it.
  5. A lot of decks seem to be able to deal 20+ damage from hand, which makes the 35HP seem increasingly vital, but that makes draw-rates more unpredictable. It also means that decks like C’thun (or any deck type that was designed around a few special cards) is now unusable because your chances to draw these cards in a 40 card deck is so low, and mixing them with another deck may cause them to be too watered down, no?
  6. Asking for help on these forums often seems to boil down to “to counter a deck, win faster”, which isn’t really the definition of ‘counter’, but it also seems, toxic, and I’m trying to decide if I need to genuinely leave forever, and maybe delete my account of 10+ years.

Bad: Everything

Good: It attracts users to other games.

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bad: the game is one of the most sensational video game scams ever created, everything is fake, the rng is based on how much you pay since it is legal to do so, the community doesn’t understand how much it is being lied to, the arena is worse than a rigged slot , the players are mostly bots

Good: unfortunately blizzard makes so much money that the game is graphically and with interesting mechanics so you remain in the hope that someone will expose the scams and the game will become as beautiful as it should be which is why you continue to play