What is even the point of a bot account

What does anyone even get out of it? What is the end goal? Just to play some arena runs? For what? If that’s what it is, the people buying them are so astoundingly stupid my mind is boggled.


From what I’ve read, those accounts are purchased by streamers that make good audience by only playing strong arena decks, since viewers like to see them get easy 10~12 arena wins
So on their end it’s not stupid since that’s how they make their content

I still don’t understand why anyone would get an alphabet soup named acc when they all wanna be named something that usually stands out like XxxButt_DestroyerxxX.

bot names are automatically generated
I assumme the streamer will just hide the name anyway

I’m not debating you, but that seems soooo strange? First off, that there are streamers for Hearthstone? Are there still? I stopped watching streamers when Trump/Kripp and whoever else stopped. And it’s not like they purchased accounts. Nor did most HS players? So who is somehow streaming, successful at doing so, and also purchasing accounts? Makes no sense, or am I the weird one? Is it like a Asia-only thing or something?

This is partially true, but kinda misleading. The vast majority of botted Arena decks are bought and played by non-streamers. The botted decks are cheap and people who are comfortable with black market internet purchases can buy Arena runs from botters for about the same real money cost as buying an Arena run from Blizzard, less if they buy accounts in bulk. A lot of the community that watches these Arena runs will buy decks themselves when they have some spare money then go back to watching streamers when they’re broke.

I think the two important things to understand are:

  1. There are some cultures out there that are a lot more comfortable with black market internet purchases. They are used to doing this with pretty much any game that they play, so doing it for Hearthstone is just natural.
  2. Botted Arena decks are cheap, and botters are directly competing with Blizzard in terms of prices.
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