What in the world is going on with blizzard

I think i may have won a game against a blizzard employee who was petty about it because after the game i just into another and got kicked saying i was banned for using illegal means in the game which i dont get i have spent over a decade on my account and spent way more then i should have why would i do something so ridiculous if i was going to do stupid stuff like that why would i use my main account with everything i have accumulated on it. Im just so disappointed with blizzard these days and the person i put my dispute ticket with said they won’t change it even though im still struggling in silver rank and i have never cleared 12 games of duels i just dont get it and on top of it they have no actual phone number


Are you using any plug-ins via a deck tracker?

Maybe a bug/exploit in the game that you didn’t know about?

as far as i know they only permabanned people for boting or …using the duels exploit

he could be confusing the android issue people been reporting on the bug forum with a ban too

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No i finally got a ticket through to someone with actual customer service and yeah it was my bad lol with all the hack games lately i may have been over using my repirt player button and that happens to be in the same rule list as hacking and all that


Could you explain this one, please? I assume I’m reading this wrong. They banned you for using the report function too much?

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Its a sort of spamming/abusing the system

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That’s funny! They seem to ban for the slightest things. How long was your ban?

hearthstone is a colossal scam disguised as a game for nerds, but in reality it is worse than a slot, for this very reason today it is in a crisis that has generated 1600 dismissal letters, people and users are tired, it is obvious that it is everything manipulated, game modes like the arena are full of incredible situations with hypothetical users who are obviously blizzard bots, with invincible decos impossible to achieve in a real draft, testimonies from those fired who are revealing what they they were really asked to design algorithms at the level, in order to control the community of players and their victories


understood, do not use report system


Apparently, huh?

Nope. You have no source.

you are probably lying because people fired were workng on the canceleld survival game and a pr manager from HS

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Yeah its actually in the terms and conditions under the same section as cheating its considered the same as interference of others gameplay if it is not a legitimate reason for a report

If only they did this on the forums!

Just not for botting.

What joke this company is.


Blizzard has been a shi.tty company for 15 years, warcraft refailed (fail), heroes of the storm (fail), diablo immoral (fail), diablo 4 remake of diablo immoral (game almost failed and $70 to $100 for a remake of theft), hearthstone the paradise of Full Face (game for idiot).

In 15 years no correct game (none) and in 15 years they have won $13 billion (yes with sh.it).


Yet here you are. Think about that…

No just hearthstone (I only do bg) and I don’t spend money, the intellectual level of a Hearthstone player is very low.

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You do realize that it’s not difficult to create a Battle.net account, get three wins just to post on the forums; right?

thats how you see yourself
dont slap your issues on the rest of us

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