Way to go blizz

Another brawl that wins if it gets 1st turn…

Druid with Pounce and Spread the Word — Do you Devs ever actually do any research into how BAD these brawls are?

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Embiggen Patches is also something
won’t kill on turn 1 but most likely kills on turn 2, with less chance to blank than spread the word, and also less actions required

lol it is funny it t akes them about 1 minute to digest what just happened before they concede lol

The amusing thing about that was that I used frost bolt and ice lance and since they run out of time before they can kill me on their first turn they become immobilized after that. Was fun to turn the tables on them.

A simple and cheap combo to grab the pack and be done with it.
Sounds good to me.

I understand the frustration for wanting something outside the usual and finding something as such, but I’d put money on the theory the majority of players playing the tavern brawl (outside the big ones like the constructed events) are there for the packs. It’s nice to have the quick ones now and then.

We’ve had this brawl a few times before, but in the past you could cast spells off your armor and they changed it to just be health. I thought that was a great change. The repeated brawls come when the devs are busy with other stuff, like the massive 29.2 (and 29.2.2). So this is understandable for a format that I suspect not a lot people are invested in and generates no direct revenue.

I used Mecha-Shark with Seafloor Gateway. I thought it’d be too slow, however I still won.