Warmaul Challenger

How in the literal hell do these garbage design cards keep making it past the concept table?
10 health for a 3 drop?

This dev team is literally more useless than wedding vows to Kim Kardashian.


you forgot the fact that it has 1 attack, and the fact that it has to battle an enemy on summon

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It’s a good card. Jury is still out if it’s OP. They probably got beat by one that got hit by a rampage, which is a pretty good combo.

Typically the opponent might have say…a 3/2 that you can battle on turn 3. that would make it a 3 mana ‘damaged’ 1/4 that deals 2 damage when it comes into play. An upgrade to demolisher for sure (3 mana 1/4 that deals 2 damage at the start of your turn).

I like to try to combo it with Frothing Berserker for a possible 10 damage to the face (give or take) if you were lucky enough to have it stick on the board for a turn.

It still doesnt mean they cant just use it on a 0 attack or 1 health minion and still get mana value.not only that but you can just use rampage on it.The cards health should be nerfed.

They nned to nerf mage and warlock to the ground

mage needs nerf,warlock needs adjustments

nerfing a class to the ground is not the answer

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I hate mage too but even i think the main problem is the rigged rng and some op cards and not the class in gnereal

They did rule long enough. Now it’s time for paladin to shine.

libram is pretty good rn

U can’t say librams are as good as open the way gate with vargoth.

yes but thats broken.im on the side of all classes having actually balanced and viable archytypes and not just spam a type of card and win the game play style

Mage and warlock have to many tools they need nerf to the ground. Such as flamewanker cost 7 mana for its effect. Sorcerer apprentice cost 4 mana. Open the way gate 7 mana.

which card are you referring to as “flamewanker”?

3 mana 2 4 rare from Blackrock mountain.

oh.I agree that sorceres apprentice and open the waygate’s reward needs a nerf and “flamewanker” does too but im talking about standart.Not wild.Even this post is about a card in standart.Why are you shifting the conversation to classes that have nothing to do with the post in the firt place?