Warlock "take dmg refresh mana" go threw deck in one turn

What card do I need to defeat this and since you never get another chance to play how do I play that card?

You need to use the names of the cards. It’s very difficult to follow your posts sometimes

he mentons devs…so maybe a new card this type of complains pop up not long after an expansion release

One can only assume but I haven’t been playing enough to guess. At least when actual card names are used I sometimes try to look them up to understand what’s being discussed even if I’m unfamiliar with the card or deck at issue

Sir the “I WIN” card is called “Darkglare.”

Looks like Darkglare combos well with the new Mass Production spell in the Demon Seed warlock deck to push out some giants quickly. Darkglare has been nerfed twice already for enabling similar shenanigans.

I like Demon Seed so I might try the deck out if I get back to playing any time soon. If so, I’ll let you know what beats me

Its that demon in Seed decks which refreshes 1 mana every time hero takes damage.

When the warlock gets 2 out it’s GG he’ll pull his whole deck that turn (usually t5 or t6).

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