Warlock needs a nerf

This why is game is going down hill.

Because it’s badly made, they don’t seem to care about the community. They don’t listen to feedback as much as they should’ve.

So I actually have a potential solution for warlock, one of the problems with warlock is its hero power, it is too strong but also deals damage to the user, this in turn makes it so only specific types of decks work with warlock making warlock either too strong or too weak.

My idea is to make warlock life tap cost 3 mana and 1 health instead. This will allow warlock to play more strategies and allow their class cards to be more on par with other classes and they will not have the problem of always having low health. Because it will still cost 1 health it will still have the same flavour but it will not be game breaking as it is in its current state.

I got this idea after seeing demon hunter have a 1 mana hero power. I mention this because it another class can have a hero power that does not cost 2 then so can warlock.

This will also allow cards to come back into play that made handlock overpowered as warlock will not have that same power it used to have. I love handlock but it was a bit of a problem I must admit. This will solve that problem as well as warlocks will not be able to abuse their hero power anymore.

I say all of this as a warlock main myself. I am kind of tired of having a class that is either useless or dominant. This will put it in balance with the other classes I presume.

I will start a thread about this and hopefully blizzard will take it into consideration. It’s unlikely, but its worth a try.

This is all speculation and I know that all I say might not be true but it’s worth a shot.

Someone that can’t get legend as Warlock has the audacity to insult someone elses intellect. Amusing.