Unseal the Vault: Animation too Long

I feel that the animation when completing the hunter quest “Unseal the Vault” takes too long. It’s very difficult to activate and attack on the turn the quest is completed. This is also due to the long animation times of cards that summon many minions at once like “Unleash the Hounds” and “Swarm of Locus”. Recommend changing the quest countdown to occur all at once for each played card rather than after every single summon animation. I would also like for the quest completion animation to be shorter. The quest is difficult to complete, so the fireworks and celebration are cool at completion. But it’s not cool if it costs me the game. Only my opponent will be celebrating then.
Please consider. Thanks


I just lost a game cause animation didn’t end with the hounds and I’m furious. I lost that game with full board with charge minions with a new button decided to show at my opponents turn. NOT OK. Lots of animation had been fixed, this is not a problem cause this is not a popular archetype.

The rope should slow down to accommodate for things like minion buffs and spawns. It’s pretty frustrating being unable to use revenge of the wild to it’s full extent due to the game animations taking forever and locking out attack assignments

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Shame this doesn’t work vs Infinite Turn Mage, and Shaman. The Rope just keeps sizzling.

all animations take way too damn long in this game in general

Agreed. But I suspect it is because someone up in the management has made “time spent online” as one of the KPIs for the developers. So a good way to increase screen time in game is actually to make animations longer.