Unable to log into Hearthstone (iPhone 7+)

Hi all,

I’m using an iPhone 7+ and I’m experiencing this login issue:

The game was unable to log you in through the blizzard services. Please wait a few minutes and try again.

When I first installed the game, I could start a new account, and my friend was able to log into his own account to play. I created my own account after that, and when I tried to log into it, I get the above error.

Deleted the app and reinstalled it, but still getting the error.
Reinstalled the app, fully downloaded the assets, but still getting the error.

I thought there might be a server outage, but it seems like there are others who can log in successfully.

Hope someone has a solution to this! Thank you!

Hi there GKAAC0809,

Are you able to log in to a another device or a friends device?

If not, do we have permission to log in to your account and see if we can see an issue? We do not need any of your account information, just your permission.

I look forward to hearing from you soon!


Hi, I’m having the same issue but with iPhone 8+. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app.

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