Two suggestion for hearthstone


  1. Regularly buff/remake on all CARDS in the expansion pack or past adventure mode that can only be used in wild mode.
  2. Increases the utilization of the above CARDS in duel mode, Tarven mode, etc.
  3. Increased the chance of a legend card being issued by a previous expansion pack by 33%; for example, in the standard mode, the expansion pack is guaranteed with 40 packs per legend, and the average is 20 packs per legend, while the corresponding two Numbers in the Wild Pack are 30 packs and 15 packs.
  • Strategies above can help enhance the fun and variability of modes such as wild mode. At the same time, it can help sell more wild packs.
  • Give the hero skin and the skin on the card the function of “randomly apply a skin for HERO and CARD within a given range”.
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