Twist (June) suggestion

Can we get GOLDEN version of decks if we have golden legendary?


Sorry, this feels like a generic question, not really about Twist.

no this is Twist specific as this upcoming twist will be precons and you can only play them if you own there respective card

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Ah… Sounds dumb, and counter to the promise to make the format more accessible like they did with the last one.

Is there a list of the decks somewhere?

No deck shown yet, only spoiled the one hero power+treasure effect for Rafaam

Some are tied to the core set(might just be bad decks/ power+treasure) but you will be able to “play” something w/o buying anything

This is the list of all 19 heroes, six of which will be available to all players with minimal investment:

  • Illidan Stormrage*
  • Al’Akir the Windlord*
  • Arch-Villain Rafaam*
  • Leeroy Jenkins*
  • Kael’Thas Sunstrider**
  • C’Thun**
  • Nozdormu
  • The Lich King
  • Xyrella
  • Patches the Pirate
  • Sir Finley Mrrgglton
  • King Krush
  • Forest Warden Omu
  • Dr. Boom
  • Zul’jin
  • N’Zoth, the Corruptor
  • Brann Bronzebeard
  • Guff Runetotem
  • Arfus

*These heroes are unlocked by cards in Core, so they will be automatically unlocked for all players at the start of the season.

**These two cards were free login rewards for older expansions. If not already unlocked, C’Thun is automatically unlocked by having a Whispers of the Old Gods pack and going to the pack opening screen and Kael’thas is automatically unlocked by having an Ashes of Outland pack and going to the pack opening screen.

Twist June suggestion:
Discontinue the mode. We all know it’s due by next year.

Xyrella’s deck was posted in Twitter

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“I dont have any cards to play because I play the real main mode of Hearthstone”


“NO! I play standard with no tech no tools and no OLD cards”

“Its the baaaaest in the whole woooorld”

Call your doctor.
You are off your meds.

“They are weak, only impotent rage is left to them… its no bother really but they will try and spout here n there… forgive them Pozhens… The NPC are incapable of anything more”

When you begin correlating video game terminology with real-life occurrences, it’s a sure sign of reaching the pinnacle of nerdiness.

Your cope is beneficial.

I will add its likeness to my own.

Its an older cope… but it checks out.

What a word salad.
No coherence. Your nonsensicality is offensive to human intelligence.