Took a quick peak back, and delete the game again

I was wondering how the games status was.
I looked forward to some standard playing.
But then i meet a warrior there drops a cards there makes his battlecries dobble for the rest of the game. I dropped my chin and just close the game and press delete. Jesus christ blizzard, how can you even consider making a specifik class card like that. With the shielding a warrior has… when do you make hearthstone classic ? Beacuse you have broken a otherwise good game. And that card is just one of many dots over the i.


ok bye, thanks for trying!

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Bye. See you next time your insecurities kick in and need confirmation from random strangers on the internet that this game is not for you. Cheers!

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And this is why the game is in trouble.

The bot cut/pastes people are given by the company are directed to post here…and they get hit with trolling.

Stay classy mods, team 5, actiblizz, and microsoft!


Many people like to think so but it isn’t :innocent:

Game modes shutting down, staff being laid off, and the spin is in overdrive.

And of course, the new player experience is flooded with bots.

But keep telling yourself everything is fine.


Don’t worry, Boba. They’ll be shedding tears when this horrible thing is shut down by Microsoft.

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No, they’ll just blame the players and people who warned them this very thing was going to happen.

Like blaming the lookout for the iceberg, yet doing nothing to steer clear of it.


Why take a game so fokin seriously? :laughing: I enjoy it, maybe couse i don’t loose 20 games in a row, oh sry I’m a Wild player, this make me a nonsense trash thrower :sweat_smile:. Standard is the problem, keep covering your eyes, ears and be loud :vulcan_salute::grin::grin:

Like the warning of the crazy man naked on the street with a sign “The end is near” :smile:

Naturally, all defense of actiblizz is vulgar and violates coc.

But closer to the person who warned you driving down the one way the wrong way would end badly.


That’s right, who don’t have a driving license and don’t know the highway code shouldn’t drive.

But that’s the current state of the game with those running it. Hence the reason microsoft is trimming the fat.

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Based on what? On bots? On Brann and Sludges? On duels cheaters? On those who struggling in standard complaining about the boringness of that LIMITED format?
The only mistake they made was to open the standard format (I would have called it Mini). The intention was good, designed for new players, to learn the basics, then if you’ve been rotting there for 4 years and have disenchanted everything you had, you created the problem by yourself. :melting_face:

Hey! Stop trying to gobble the Acti/Bliz/Microsoft c0ckle, that’s my shtick! I’m the shill around these parts, get your own game to shill over!

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I don’t know how to fly a jet either but I put faith in the pilot who’s flying me to my destination. I don’t expect them to do barrel rolls, loop de loops, or slam the plane into mountains, the ground below or oceans.

We,the players, are just passengers on this game and the devs are the pilots. They’re doing all the things a pilot shouldn’t do; passengers are screaming at them to level out and fly smoothly; then there’s passengers like you, Scr0tes, and Mountaineer (plus others) who scream “EvErYtHiNg iS FiNe!!!”

Then when this game crashes and burns (and it will); you’re going to be screaming that it’s the player’s fault and not the devs.


I’m sitting on a quiet flight, I only hear the crying of a couple of children behind me, nothing strange. :coffee::relieved:

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Wait, you haven’t seen the last mage deck with doubled arcane spells, you’re getting doubled lightshows and seeing as Blizzard had the good idea of allowing the mage to recover spells already used with rewind. You get a full face deck without interaction already lightshow should not see the damage increased with each use and once and for all respect the rules when creating the deck in game (only 2 lightshow usable per game).

It really is a shi.tty company (between trash balancing and their illegal rigged match system).


Yeah let me sit down and listen to the opinion of someone who gave up after less than a day lol.

Oh no. Warrior played a card! I quit! Double battlecries mean nothing when I can summon 7 10/10 taunt dragons on turn 6. But sure. Warrior is so op it makes noobs quit lol

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Insecurities ?? Wtf

You know what the meaning of a forum ?
Make enough of noise so maby just maby, some one may chance something.

To me, it seems it’s the other way around a little guy. You sit there at home, with no view of your manhood for you, big belly. Then you matchstik point abit to the north, when you go to the internet and blow out comments like this.

Take care. Hope you find another hobby, and maybe go outsite and get some sunshine. It’s healthy for you.

Captain out !