Tombs of Terror: Sinkhole Boss

I have yet to lose a game against this boss but this enemy is -at least in my opinion - a case study of how NOT to design an adventure boss.

This is how the boss works (Heroic):

  • the boss has 50 health and shuffles spells into your deck that burn 2 of your cards when drawn (1 of those “traps” each turn) and they activate when drawn
  • the entire rest of its deck is big aoes and effective healing (like Healing Rain)

The only good aspect of this boss seems to be that he has no card double (so no triple Hagatha’s scheme) but man oh man, is he a bad idea.

The entire bossfight is boring and drags on for forever. I faced him 4 times now and at no point did I ever feel entertained.

Prime example why some of the mission designers should be let go from the team. They should have stopped at some point and asked themselves if anything about this is FUN.

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This kinds of bosses are good when they are thematic and lore friendly.

For example, in the original dungeon run we had the Lava filled Room and the Trap Room.

It have the same ‘stupid’ design as this Sinkhole, but they are thematic as hell. They just need to be easy to win. Lava filled room were very easy, so the player where not mad facing it.

Trap room was cancer… until you did literally nothing and just skipped turns.

So, to your question, they just need to make this kind of boss easy. The normal mode his Hero power cost 1. This is all needed to change the boss from frustanting to a cute thematic boss.

Coincidentally I just lost another run to this boss, on heroic mode. It is probably the most frustrating boss to fight, since it is largely up to luck whether or not you win.
There is some tactic with pacing your threats to make the AI waste its board clears, but that only works so far, and some decks just can’t do it.
And even if you do your best with this, all your key cards may just be gone before you get to use them. And of course the random Murlocs may just screw you over.

Just very frustrating.

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I just don’t play anything and keep a full hand. You always win in fatigue because he always shuffles cards into your deck. Hero power down the murlocs and you’re gucci, provided he doesn’t get 4 old murkeyes and smack you for 8 each.