To the guys emoting after they beat me

  1. It’s bad manners.
  2. It’s the r10 rank floor. Chill out, sweethearts. Nobody hurt you. And it’s not legend.
  3. I’m there to farm my dailies anyways, ain’t even trying to climb.
  4. I’m using Whizbang.

Keep doing what you want anyways. Just advising you, it’s not either particularly smart or polite as a move. Is it?


Me, I just have to squelch them. Getting tired of the well met emote.


I always loved that. Im at whatever 5 level floor im currently at, Im playing the most off meta decks and it’s really clear that i’m doing such. My oponnent trying to climb playing an actual meta deck, spams emotes when its clear he will win. Calm down plz.


I realized a long time ago that typically if I engage in emotes first, it just degenerates from there and then I lose creating a negative feedback loop for using emotes.

If they greet me first, I’ll typically greet back. I’ll only emote something during the game in return to an emote they initiate.

Now I mostly just emote right before their portrait explodes guaranteeing that I have a positive experience with the emote system and get to use it the way I want to!

What is worse is that, when they have lethal on board, they have to play whatever cards they have on hand + Rope.