Tired of this "I win" card. replace deck with iconic one

Every time someone uses that card it gives them exactly what they need to defeat you.
What is the defense against this card?

i have no idea i always lose to it almost always too
i don’t use it though i think it’s kinda cheesy

That stonebrew git never gave me what I wanted! Only thing he ever gave me was galakrond priest hand, and fascinatingly a hand that requires you to not die for the next 3 turns can’t save your butt from a currently full board. Somehow Yoggsaron Master of Fate and his wheel offers me a more consistent “what I want” effect!

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I played it like, 20 times, never won a game where I dropped it xD

I lost to a couple of people who did, but won against majority, as well

It’s kinda a “desperado” play, which you play as an aggro deck when you run out of cards and are about to get outvalued and lose.

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