Tired of broken Druid decks

I’m growing sick of the broken Druid meme deck in wild that runs discount spells then uses Yogg to break the game by abusing countless spell animations which ends up skipping my turn because of the rope timer bs. I feel like this deck is an exploit and those who play it should be reported for cheating. It has no place in hearthstone and the devs need to fix that crap.


You don’t just have the druid who is stupid, the paladin is stupid, the rogue is stupid, the mage is stupid, the warlock is stupid.

This game is 100% stupid for mentally handicapped people, worst game of all time, rotten balancing, rigged match, store that scares you away because the prices are so high. In short, a game to avoid.


There is just something about abusing animations to skip someones turn that pisses me off. Its one thing if a card says skip your opponents next turn (still not enjoyable gameplay) and it’s another if you abuse the spell animations to skip their turn. Exploits have no business being in this game. I wish the dev team would wakeup and fix that crap. Maybe not allow Druids to play 30 spells in 6 turns. Just a thought…

its meme in standard now too
from treatn druid that lethals you on turn 5
to a druid that stacks 30 amor and burns your deck just like in wild
to guys that play dragon 4 times that summons dragons on the nature spell so each spell he plays summons 4 dragons with rush

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Someone even lose against them :smile::smile: